
Join Poetry Club!

Do you like to read poems? Do you like to create poems? Do you want a supportive group to share your ideas and get support? Do you just want to hang out with some nice people and hear awesome poetry? If so - poetry club is for you!

In poetry club, we share our favorite poems/songs and try out different styles of poetry. You'll get to explore different styles like haiku, free verse, sonnets, acrostic, limerick, sonnets, and more! We will also explore rhyme and meter (iambic pentameter, trochaic verse, etc.). No experience necessary - all are welcome! AND it's free to join - how awesome is that?

POETRY CLUB SPONSOR: Anna Riddle: ariddle@dps109.org

Poetry club meets weekly (usually Thursdays, but we can decide as a club this year!) in January through end of April, national poetry month! You will end poetry club with a collection of your very own poems!

If you're interested in being in poetry club, please fill out this form! We'd love to have you!