Material Technologies

This 20 week unit of work involves students designing, producing and evaluating their own design using timber technologies to meet a design situation/brief provided by the school. They learn about a range of methods to communicate designs, including CAD and develop presentation techniques. Students learn about the tools, equipment and materials they use at the same time as developing their research skills. After teacher demonstrations, students complete OnGuard tests and demonstrate their own skills by completing a personalised timber product. The skills involved include marking, cutting, joining and finishing skills which they demonstrate by completing a good quality product for a specific need.

Program and resources developed by Chris Shelton for teachers from Catholic Education, Diocese of Wollongong.

Material Technologies: Program

Unit Program

Material Technologies: Assessment

Assessment Notification

Material Technologies: Design & Production Folio

Design and Production Folio/Workbook

Material Technologies: Life Skills Workbook Folio

Life Skills Design and Production Folio/Workbook

If you have any suggestions for modifications to the programs or resources that others would benefit from please complete the evaluation form