Agriculture and Food Technologies

Students will participate in a range of experiences that will develop their knowledge of food and fibre production in Australia and the importance of these industries in the Australian economy. They will develop skills in the safe preparation and handling of food and food equipment.

Students learn about nutritious food items and recipes suitable for adolescents that incorporate a farm to table philosophy by utilising ingredients grown by students using a home or school garden. They will develop a self-watering system for use when growing a food product of their choice that can be used in the creation of an individualised burger.

Some food practicals have been included in the unit program but schools are encouraged to select food practical options that suit their individual school contexts of timetables and budgets and include these in the program.

Program and resources developed by Kim Stutchbury & Molly Durrington for teachers from Catholic Education, Diocese of Wollongong.

Agriculture and Food Technologies Program

Unit Program

Ag & Food: Assessment Task - Food Product Notification

Assessment Notification

Ag & Food Design and Production Folio

Design and Production Folio

Ag + Food Workbook

Student Workbook

If you have any suggestions for modifications to the programs or resources that others would benefit from please complete the evaluation form