Coach Marlowe

Classroom overview

We have four different courses in the classroom this year. The first semester consists of Civics and Psychology while the second semester is made up of Economics and Sociology.

Civics Class:

Our civics class will explore the different types governments around the world and then take a deep dive into our own government. We look at the inspirations for our government, how it works, and the values and freedoms that we, as Americans, hold most dear. We take peeks at our country's biggest issues and current events in the news throughout the semester.

Psychology Class:

Our goal here is to develop an interest in the world of psychology. We start out by looking at the history of psychology and the different approaches. From there we explore several of the approaches to gain insight to the question, " why do we behave the way we do?" as we begin to understand more about ourselves and the people around us. In the second half of the semester we move into abnormal psych as we look at mental disorders and, the most popular subject, serial killers.

Contact Me:

The easiest way to contact me is through email at

Or, if you see me out and about in town, feel free to strike up a conversation!