Who We Are

From top left: Kelsey, Juliet, and Eliza

About This Project

Help for Healers is a project created by Kelsey Weiss, Eliza Pedder, and Juliet Ernst, three graduate students in the Marriage and Family Therapy MA program at the University of San Francisco.

In Spring 2020, Kelsey, Eliza and I began our Community Mental Health course under the instruction of Dr. Belinda Hernandez-Arriaga. The capstone project for the course was set to be community service for a local organization of our choosing, designed to help us better understand the lived experiences and mental health needs of the communities we will serve. Then, COVID-19 happened. With the announcement of shelter-in-place orders, our realities shifted overnight. We came together as a class to strategize how we could still provide our service to the community while being physically distant from one another. Help for Healers was born out of this strategizing.

We hope that Help for Healers will provide comfort, aid, and resources to the healthcare providers working so hard to preserve health and safety for all of us. It is our humble token of gratitude for the enormous service they provide.