cultural activities

Guided tour of the city of Rovereto

Every year we offer a guided tour along the streets of our city to various groups. We walk along streets, admire buildings and discover the most hidden alleys of beautiful Rovereto. It is a great opportunity to socialize, get to know each other and to feel like a part of the place where we live.

Film club

Watching a film in our auditorium is an activity designed specifically to help students immerse themselves in the Italian language. Students discover new expressions, smile and reflect together.

Visit to Rovereto Castle

Visiting the castle is a dive into the rich history of our city: the guides welcome us and help us observe and understand this wonder of ours.

We get to know the family counseling

The visit to the family counseling  is a unique opportunity. Thanks to the help of kind and helpful operators, we discover the activities carried out in a welcoming and friendly atmosphere.

Meetings with the Employment Agency

The operators of the Employment Centre make it clear how  we can look for a job, who can help us and how we can write an effective CV. In these meetings we can ask questions and understand the important steps to take to get employment.

Orientation meetings

Every year, we can join meetings that allow us to learn about study possibilities after middle school. Our Sonia Patisso illustrates the various offers of evening courses to obtain a higher training.

Visit to the Civic Library

Visit to the Civic Library

The visit to the Tartarotti civic library is always splendid and exciting: we enter a world rich in history and let ourselves be surrounded by the scent of old and new books.

Visit to the Depero House

The Depero House of Futurist Art is a small pearl in the historic center of Rovereto. Here we can enter the shapes and colors of original futurist art: a real feast for the eyes!

Guided tour of Venice

Every year we organize a trip to Venice as we are enchanted by the stories and cultures that intertwine there. We savor the joy of being together during the train journey, in the streets and squares surrounded by art and beauty.

Festive evenings

Before the Christmas holidays and to celebrate the end of the school year we organize two evenings to be together in joy: we share hugs and offer everyone the opportunity to learn about the dishes, traditions and music of our countries.

Evening at the Bell

Evenings at the Bell are always very special: every year we all reflect together on the important topic and join our voices to the chimes of the great Maria Dolens.