
PSY3160: Social psychology

Social Psychology is the study of how our social environment impacts both individual and group behavior. It is one of the largest disciplines within the field of psychology, and relies heavily on theory and research methodology to explain human social behavior. This course examines topics including, but not limited to, the self; social cognition; attitudes and persuasion; prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination; emotions; and close relationships.

PSY3187: Statistics for health & behavioral sciences

This course is designed to introduce students to both descriptive and inferential statistics as they are applied in a variety of research designs used by the health and behavioral sciences. Topics include data summary and presentation, measures  of central tendency and variability, correlation and regression, probability, sampling, hypothesis testing and use of a computer software package to analyze data.

PSY4005: Health psychology

This course focuses on the psychological influences that affect our physical health and susceptibility to illness; an analysis of the complex interactions between mind and body. We explore models of wellness and illness, the mind-body relation, coping with acute and chronic stress, health-related anxiety, smoking cessation, weight control and dieting behavior, and psychosocial interventions for chronic diseases, as well as alternative medicine and managed health care provision models.

PSY4009: Sports psychology

This course explores the application of psychology to the understanding of sports. Topics covered include the relationship between anxiety, stress, and performance; team cohesion, goal-setting, and diversity, equity, and inclusion in sports. The use of various strategies to enhance peak performance in sports will be extrapolated into other areas such as business, art, education, dance, teaching, relationships and basic life skills.

PSY4040: Psychology of motivation & emotion

This course examines the psychology of emotion and motivation from a multidisciplinary perspective, including the biological, developmental, cultural, social, evolutionary, and cognitive influences upon feelings and emotions. Topics include, but are not limited to: passion, love, and sexual behavior; drug use and abuse; aggression and anger; emotions, stress, and health; and the need for control.

PSY4997: Directed research I & II

This course focuses on writing a review of the psychological literature relevant to the student’s senior thesis research topic, and designing an appropriate and ethical research design for the thesis project. Class structure includes lectures, discussion, group exercises and support, individual appointments and behavioral contracting

One-unit courses

PSY3005: Persuasion & social influence

PSY3016: Health campaigns & persuasion

PSY3065: Science communication

PSY3066: Psychology of fantasy football

PSY3081: Behavioral health