
Instructions: This portion of the portfolio has several sections. In the first section, enter information about your capstone research (the research you completed as part of your major) and any additional research you have completed. In the second section, include information about any presentations or publications you have been part of. In the final section, include any grants or financial support you have received for your research. You can add additional text blocks as needed.

Research Experiences

Capstone Research

Project title: 

Research advisor: 

Credits completed (e.g. BIO 351, BIO 495, and BIO 496 would be 9 credits of capstone research): 

Abstract/description of project:

Summer Research Project, REU, INBRE, or Research Assistantship

Project title: (if completed at Doane, may be the same as capstone research)

Research advisor: 

Duration (start/end dates)

Abstract/description of project: (if completed at Doane, this may be the same as what you described for capstone research. If this is the case, say that here instead of pasting the same description in.)

Presentations and Publications

Instructions: make a copy of the text block below for each presentation you have given and for each publication you are an author on. You can delete this box when you no longer need these instructions.

Presentation or publication title:


Presentation/publication date:

Event ( if applicable, name the conference/event you presented at. MindExpo should be one of your entries):

Publication details (if applicable, add info on where the work is published):

Financial Support

Instructions: make a copy of the text block below for grant/award you have received or positions you have earned that has funded your research. You can also include additional research you have done by directed study. You can delete this box when you no longer need these instructions.

Award/grant title or position title


Description of funding (Was it additional research you conducted at Doane for pay or credit? Was it funding you applied for? Was it grant funding available from your research advisor?):