Mrs. Skar's 4th Grade Class


.............make sure your child has appropriate clothing for recess! 

............ send a healthy snack with your child everyday to eat. Some examples would be fruit, veggies, veggie straws, crackers, fruit snacks, fruit bars.

............send a water bottle to school with your child. They can leave them at school all week and take them home on Fridays to be washed.

............ don't forget to check your child's planner every night! I do expect them to remind you but at the beginning of the year they may need a few reminders. 

 *If your student did not finish their work it should be circled and their work should be in their ORANGE homework folder. They need to make sure it gets done at home and returned to school the next day.  If it is not completed they will be expected to report to Laker time the next morning to finish. sure to send a note with your child/children or let the office know,  if they will be missing school or taking different transportation than usual home!

Contact info email:                             Remind class code: @skar722                Phone # 839-7135