About me


I live in Placerville right next to my sister, Nadia and my brother-in-law, Martin. We live just across the road from each other and we love it. I currently share my home with fourteen fur babies! All of them are rescues and I try to make their lives as beautiful and fulfilling as I can.


I have taken many classes in the sciences. I adore animals and dedicated my life to working with them. In 1999, I began a teaching program and in 2000 I came to work at Cesar Chavez Elementary as a 6th grade teacher. I loved it and haven't changed a thing. I am now dedicated to guiding the beautiful 11-12 year old Homo sapiens species at CCE to be the best version of themselves, first as a fellow being, then in achieving their academics successes in the 6th grade.


I love to work on various projects around my house, especially the ones for my fur babies. I also like to go bird watching, hiking and wading in cold creeks. I also love to read, mostly non-fiction. In addition, I thoroughly enjoy spending quality time with friends!