Fifth Grade


Click on the links below to learn more about the curriculum for fifth graders in our district. 


Fifth graders receive traditional letter grades for Math, Science, and Social Studies. 

Reading and Writing use a standard-based grading scale (SBG). Instead of a single overall grade, SBG breaks down the subject matter into smaller “learning targets.” Each target is a teachable concept that students should master by the end of the course. Throughout the term, student learning on each target is recorded. Teachers track student progress, give appropriate feedback, and adapt instruction to meet student needs

New Responsibilities  

Fifth graders are the oldest students in our building, and with that comes new opportunities and responsibilities.  

Fifth graders choose to be in band or orchestra.  

They can also be patrols - helping teachers, staff, and students with different things around the building. 

All three classes frequently gather for activities, lessons, and team building

Field trips 

      The Museum of Science and Industry 🧬

On this field trip, students were able to learn about forensic science in the Museum of Science and Industry's Crime Lab

 Exploring the universe at the Adler Planetarium 🌖

Taking turns designing our own constellations at the Adler Planetarium

Looking at pictures of the moon taken with different light filters to see the details of the surface.

Learning about the variety of surface textures found on Mars and what that can tell us about its history. 

Inquiry Investigations at the Brookfield Zoo 🦧

Observing the gorillas and filling out an ethogram for the inquiry project in Tropic World.

Gathering information about tropical birds for a project in the Feathers and Scales exhibit