Design process

The process of the app was really hard. At first we had to learn to code on Swift Playgronds. Then we used Keynote to plan out the app this is called a prototype. Then one day Johnny and Adrien came up with the idea for our app they gave us the idea of a yoga app named Let's do yoga!


We made prototype on keynote to 10 - 15 prototypes each one was uniqe. We ended up choosing Adrien's prototype.

Mood monster

Mood monster is a character in our app. When you go to all of the moods. Mood monster is the actor of all of the moods and also he's on the home page. He appears in most parts of the app.

Our first name for the app was lets do yoga then our second name for the app was yoga stres reliever for kids our finel name for the app is Mood Monsters yoga workshop. We dicided to switch lets do yoga because there was already a lets do yoga app.then we switched stress reliever for kids because it was to long of a name.

During the disine proses we had some changes like making mood monster we changed him by changing his color to blue, purple, black, and green. and the old colors of mood monster were blue, oringe, pink, yellow, green, red, and black .