Kindergarten Blog 23-24

Last week of Kindergarten!

What fun this week!  We very much enjoyed time with our friends and with our 5th and 6th Grade Buddies.  We played games and finished up our Memory books.  We loved looking through them to see how much we have learned through the Kindergarten year!

We had such a busy week!  We had fun at our Pawsitive Pride Celebration choosing 2 activiites to do in the afternoon.  Some of us painted, spent time on the playground, used sensory bins or played games.  On Thursday we tired ourselves out playing outside with extra recess in the morning and with our Field Day in the afternoon.

On our last day of school we congratulated the Husie Seniors at the High School then watched a program, cheering on the accomplisments of our fellow students and watching a slideshow.  We ended the day with a story and hugs from Mrs. Boyer.

Enjoy your summer!   I will very much miss the class and think about you all often.  You have all shared some terrific little people with me!  I send them onto their next chapter with lots of love and confidence they will shine like the stars they are!

Thursday, May 16th

This last week is wrapping up and has me feeling so proud of the Kinders and all they have learned!  I am also a bit sad to see them move on in their school journey.  I will for sure miss seeing them next year!

This week in Language we talked about consonant digraphs.  These are two consonants that together make one sound.  For example, ck, sh, th, and ch are digraphs.  Today we practiced the "voiced th" sound.  Ask your Kinder what this sounds like (you will hear this sound in words like this, those, then).  We continue to practice hearing sounds in words and to write.  We know that writing is an excellent way to practice our sounds and use multiple parts of the brain.  This may be a great rainy day activity this summer, writing sentences and illustrating them.

In Math this week we continued to compare numbers and to practice the concept of Greater Than and Less Than. Next week in Math we will be measuring length, weight, and height.  If your student needs a challenge, have them write their numbers backwards from 20, 30, 50 or even 100!  Playing math games/card games continue to help Kinders with their math sense and strategies.

In Social Studies, we wrapped up Career Week.  Thank you so much to all the volunteers who helped us with this!  We very much enjoyed hearing from Ms. Missy, Ms. Amy (via Rowan), Ms. Kaila and Mr. Kyle, and lastly Mr. Blake.  We loved hearing about new things and it really means so much to Kinders to have their family join them!

Friday, May 10th

Happy Mother's Day weekend!

This week we are starting to wrap up some pieces of our learning, and it is bitterweet!

This week in Language we practiced the FLSZ rule, which is that in a one syllable word, the letters f, l, s, z double after a short vowel sound.  We also learned that there are some special instances in words with -all, oll, and ull.  We are learning that the vowel can sound different in those words.

In Math we continue to practice our addition and subtraction fluency, as well as making number equal.  

We had a great start to Career Week!  Thank you to Missy Rohde to coming over to discuss what it is like to be a paraprofessional and a welder.  She had great photos to share and some interesting things to tell us!  We have enjoyed making a book and learning about different career paths for us.  We like to talk about what kind of training we may need and what some challenges we may face.

We have been working hard making a Mother's Day gift and hope you will all enjoy it.  We had fun making it and I heard some wonderful stories of what kind and caring moms we have!

Next week is dress up week, as well as busy.  Keep an eye on the calendar!

Friday, May 3rd

Wowzers, the week flew by!

This week in Language we have been practicing those vowel sounds. I can't believe how far we have come with reading and with writing!  I love, love, love watching the kiddos begin to write without showing fear about writing, or upset they don't "know how to write".  We are amazing!

This week we discussed some symbols of America.  We found them interesting and today we took a "tour" of America's symbols.  We bought tickets and visited different areas of America (the school) to learn about landmarks and historical symbols.  Ask us what their favorite was!  We loved reading about the Statue of Liberty and about some crazy pets former presidents have had in the White House (yes, one president had an alligator).

In Math we continue to do LOTS of number writing. We have written the math partners of ten, seven, six, and 5.  We are also practicing our additon and subtraction fluency.   We had a chance to show Mrs. Boyer how well we wrote our numbers, and we had a chance to show our patterning skills.

Today we celebrated the lunch staff at school by letting them know they are Lunchroom Heroes.  We gave them some cards we made and were so excited to share some joy with others.  We also made some May Day baskets to share with our 5th Grade buddies.  We loved how good it made us feel to share a surprise with friends.

We also got to see Rebel for the last time this year.  We loved the chance to read to Rebel, either numbers or words.  Some of us got to take him for a walk!  Thanks to those who supported the Book Fair.  What a success it was!  Happy weekend everyone!

Thursday, April 25th

This week in Language we continued to review all that we know about the vowels.  We are so amazing!  We are blending 3, 4, and sometimes 5 sound words!  We are so proud and love that we are reading this many words!  We continue to practice the letter sounds as we write and it is so fun to see what the kiddos are writing.

We wrapped up habitats and animals that live there.  We made a book to share.  This week we started to learn a bit about our state of Minnesota and some special symbols of our state.  We will follow this up with learning about our country.

In Math we are focusing on the number partners.  We are learning that these two numbers work together to make a new number.  We are also learning that there are different ways to represent this:  by drawing, by numbers, and by sounds are just some of the ways we can do this.

We celebrated our Earth on Monday by cleaning up trash on our school grounds.  We walked around the school and were amazed at all we found.  We also had some good discussions on pollution and litter and what that can do to our Earth.  Ask us about it!

We wrapped up our unit on economics with our last visit from Ms. Kelly and Ms. Sarah from Magnifi.  They taught us about choices we can make with our money (saving or spending), how to earn money, and what to buy with it.  Thank you so much, Ladies, for teaching us what you know!  Thank you also for the yummy treat and for the gift of bubbles!

Ms. Kaila came in this week to talk with us about personal safety.  Ask your kiddo what they learned and about any policies you might have in your family.

Friday, April 17th

The year end is fast approaching!  It is so fun to see how much the kiddos have learned throughout the year!

This week in Language, and the next few weeks, we will be reviewing vowel sounds.  We are very strong and spelling and sounding out 3 letter words (cvc words), and are really beginning to get the hang of words with 4 sounds.  We are learning we may need to slow down and take our time so we are able to hear all of the sounds in the words.  I am so proud of us when we read!  We can certainly do hard things, and we are amazing!

In Math this week we are breaking down numbers into groups of ten and some more.  We are correlating addition facts with this breakdown as well.  We were challenged this week when we wrote our numbers to 100 in two different ways: one in columns and one in rows.  We are learning to spot the patterns in the number chart as well.

In Science this week we have discussed habitats and animals that live in each.  We are making a book to take home to show you what we are learning.  The kiddos are fascinated by the animals that live all over the planet!  We are also learning how to take care of our earth for the things that share it.  We made a fun project out of recycled paper and shared how we can help the earth.  

We enjoy watching Jumpy grow and we even compared our frog's lifecycle to that of a butterfly.  We compared and contrasted the different stages.  Ask us about that!

We had so much fun today at our Bucketfiller Party today!  We worked so hard this morning to complete our learning and enjoyed time reading with our blankets and stuffies.  We also "purchased" tickets to our classroom movie theater and enjoyed watching Pete the Cat.  We had some popcorn and some cheeseballs...yum!

Enjoy your weekend! 

Wednesday, April 10th

What a great week!  The weather has been wonderful and we have had so much happening in the classroom!

This week in Language Arts we are focusing closely on the short vowel sound of /a/.  We have been reading and writing words with /a/.  We have been reading passages in the classroom as well.  We are loving that we are more familiar around words.  We have each gotten books placed in our book boxes that help us practice the sounds we know.  We LOVE reading them!  We have also gotten a new game in school that is similar to UNO, but it revolves around words and the letters in the words.   We love it!  We have been reading lots about animals and the needs they have.  We have been reading about pets as well, and have even gotten a pet of our own.  

On Monday, we learned all about the solar eclipse and watched the various views from around the United States.  We also welcomed Ms. Stephans into our classroom to show us pictures of the eclipse and what it looked and felt like in Illinois where she experienced the eclipse in totality.  How amazing!

On Tuesday we welcomed a frog into our classroom.  It is a froglet at this stage, and we have named it Jumpy the Frog. Ask your Kinder what we determined we must do to keep Jumpy happy and healthy in our classroom.  We have learned and journaled facts about frogs.  Ask us what we know!  We got a chance to see the life cycle of the frog and we got to experience the different sounds different frogs make.  We even learned about why some frogs (poison dart frogs) are very brightly colored.  Ask us!

In Math we have wrapped up Unit 4.  We have begun Unit 5 and will work with some teen numbers as well as number stories and the equations that represent that story.  We are learning that when placed in groups of 5 or 10, numbers are more easily organized and counted.  

On Thursday, we had some Sixth Graders come on over from the Middle School!  We got to read with them and color with them.  We had a ton of fun, and the big kids were so kind and caring.  It was a great afternoon!

These next few weeks we have been talking about courage (choosing something that is helpful, right, or kind-even if it is tricky or scary).  We are learning that we can show courage in many ways.  We are trying to help others be courageous as well.

Friday, April 5th

What a turnaround with weather this week!  We loved playing on the playground these past few days.  Thanks, as always, for keeping the boots close as the playground still has melting snow and mud.

In Language this week we wrapped up words with Zz and Vv.  We read some passages, played some games, and wrote some sentences. We are working on building our fluency with words and with sentences.  I have put some decodeable books in "bookboxes" for kiddos to read.  These are words we are able to sound out and have been enjoying realizing we can read!

In Math this week we wrapped up Unit 4.  We have been working hard on our fluency with addition and subtraction facts.  We have finished making our Teen Books and they came home this week.  This is a good resource to help your kiddo master counting back from 20, a Kindergarten standard this year.  We have practiced finding and reviewing 3D shapes.  We have become enamored with a puzzle game on our iPads.  We have been practicing courage by not giving up even if it is hard.  We have been practicing trying to solve the puzzles on our own without looking at others for the answer.  

We celebrated a birthday this week.  Happy Birthday to Bella! 

We said goodbye to our friend Miss Molly this week and we wish her the best as she gets her Doctorate.  

Enjoy the beautiful weather!

Thursday, March 28th

Such a short week!😆 It was fun to hear all about how the Kinders spent their snow days at home.  The kiddos are LOVING the snow on the playground!  As you know, we are back in the boat of needing extra clothing for wet pants and socks after playing in the morning or at recess.  Thank you so much for making sure all your Kinders are ready to play outside!

In Language this week, we did some review.  We have practiced "mapping" out words with four or even five sounds.  To do this we listen to a word, tap it, count the sounds and write the letters that correlate with the sounds.  This is especially helpful as some of us are still missing the third sound in a four sound word.  We are getting so very good at our handwriting when we take our time.  We continue to practice reading and making sure what we are reading makes sense.  In Math we continue to practice writing equations and to build fluency in addition and subtraction.

Today we tried something new during our learning time.  Ask your Kinder how today was different than our usual centers!  We sure had some fun activities to complete.  We read words, sorted real and nonsense words, drew an Easter chick, made some bunny ears and had the option to play Easter Bunny today.  We also sorted and graphed jellybeans today, discussing what color had the most, fewest, and by how many.  

Our school earned a celebration today, due to filling our Huskie House in the office!  We met with our 5th Grade Buddies today.  They helped us put on glow-in-the-dark bracelets and we all met in the gym for a school-wide dance party!  We had fun doing the Hokey Pokey and the Chicken Dance!  Our buddies than walked us out today.  Thank you, buddies!

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend full of family fun!

Thursday, March 21st, 2024

This week we have been taking ownership of reading the letters and sounds of Xx and Qq.  These two can be tricky because sounds actually make the sounds of 2 letters.  We are learning that q and u are almost always found together.  We say in our classroom "q and u are stuck like glue" to help us remember when we are writing words we need to remember this rule.  We continue to practice reading and writing, and we have continued to work on illustrations that match the words.  

In Math this week we have been writing and matching equations to numers up to ten.  We also continue to work on our addition fluency and I continue to be amazed at how quickly these facts come to our Kinders!  We are slowly becoming so familiar with numbers that our reversals have decreased.  We have been writing number stories as well, in additon to creating a Teen Book to take home.

In Science we have been learning about weather patterns and graphing.  We have learned that weather includes what we are experiencing in the sky (cloudy, sunny), the temperature, and if we are experiencing dry or wet conditions.  We have been taking our own data on weather conditions and those should be coming home soon.

We will be sad to see our High School helper, Miss Rylee, finish her time with us.  We have made a little something special for Ms. Rylee.  In just a few short weeks we will also have to say goodbye to Miss Molly.  She has done a great job showing us how to build our fine motor muscles and sharing new ways to move our bodies.  Thank you, Ladies!  You will be missed!

Thursday, March 14th, 2024

So much happening!  This week we have practiced writing and reading the sounds of Jj and Yy.  This one is proving trickier for us.  Feel free to practice these letter formations at home, taking care to make sure our lines are facing the correct way.  We have been reading up a storm!  We have been playing fun reading games and reading in Walk to Read.    We have read many books about leprechauns this week, and have devised plans to catch one.  These will be coming home with your Kinder so you can add to it.  Good luck catching a leprechaun!

In Math this week we have been reviewing numbers stories, teen numbers, additon and 3d shapes.  Whew!  I am so proud of how comfortable your Kinders are becoming at their math facts.  They are proud they are able to figure the answers out on their own.  

We have had several exciting things happen this week.  On Tuesday, our school neighbors, Mrs. Abraham's class had visitors.  It was Boyd Hupert and Mr. Devon, a cameraman.  We learned a bit about what this might look like, and hope to watch them next week.  The show will be airing on Monday night. In additon, the Albany Girls Basketball team have worked hard to play in the State Tournament.  We made signs for them and cheered them on before they left town on Wednesday afternoon.   Beginning Wednesday, we made blueprints for a leprechaun trap.  We have built, problem solved, and rebuilt our traps.  We are excited to see if we will catch a leprechaun!

We also got a wonderful view of a tree trunk.  Sam's dad brought us a cross section of a tree trunk.  We have examined the rings and discussed how sap might make its way up and down the trunk.  Thank you Mr. Brad!

Now that the weather is nice, we are trying to head outside more.  Thank you for remembering all the pieces we might need outside in our typical up/down Minnesota spring!  

March 7

Happy Thursday!  

We just enjoyed some time with our 5th Grade Buddies!  They came to join us for Free Choice today, to read to us, and to walk us to our afternoon places (bus, pick up, Kids Co...).  What a great time we had!  Ask us about it!

In Language this week we enjoyed favorite books by different authors including Dr. Seuss, Mo Willams, Laura Numeroff, and Karma Wilson.  We also have been reading a lot about telling the truth.  We are learning that telling the truth builds integrety and allows others to trust us.  We have learned about the letters Ll and Ww.  We learn they can start a word or can blend together with another consonant in words such as twin and clap.  We continue sounding out words with four sounds in addition to words with 5 sounds!  Wow, we are so amazing!  We continue to practice our heart words and are trying to become more familiar with them when reading and writing.  We wrote this week about who we think is more precious than gold...ask us!

In Math this week we have made many partners for 10, practiced our teen numbers, and learned the difference between 2 and 3d shapes.  We alternate using the term "3d shapes" with the term "solid shapes".  We are learning that we can manipulate 3 d shapes by stacking or rolling them, while 2 d shapes are flat.

In Science this week we have talked about the Sun and Heat.  Today we had a problem to solve:  How can we get sunlight into a village that is situated in a valley?  We had a hard time believing we couldn't move the mountatin or knock it down. We had problem solve and determine if we could somehow reflect light into the valley?  We tried an experiment with a flashlight and some various items to see if we could do this.

We have been LOVING our Mystery Readers!  The kiddos are so excited to have guests!  Thank you for helping us enjoy new readers in class!

Leap Into the Future!  When I grow up, I want to be... undercover cop (Landon)

...a teacher (Huntlee)

...a cop (Rowan)

...a teacher (Harper)

...a farmer (Thomas)

...a famous You Tuber (Sam)

...a teacher (Hayden)

...a teacher (Bella)

...a farmer and an undercover cop (Alex)

...a gamer (Luka)

...a teacher (Brinlee)

...a mom (Layla)

...a Gym teacher (Tobias)

...a teacher (Ruby)

...a nurse (Amara)

Thursday, February 29th

Happy Leap Day!

This week in Language we have been reading and writing 4 letter words!  We have been learning to slowly tap out the sound so we don't miss any sounds in words. We have also been practicing and reading what we call "blends"-sounds that blend together, but still represent their own sound.  Some examples are cl, dr, mp as in class, drip, and lamp.  We are becoming more comfortable reading sounds we haven't seen before.  We discuss that we slowly read the sounds and blend them together.  We have also been practicing visualizing or creating a mental picture in our minds based on the words we have read.

We have had difficulty in our classroom not telling the truth. We have been reading books and discussing the reasons for being truthful.  Please follow through with this at home as well!

We LOVED wrapping up our I Love to Read month by dressing up this week.  We have some very creative kiddos and families!  We filled our Bingo board in the All School Bingo game with book characters, filled our classroom bingo grid, and I saw many of you have returned your bingo grid from home.  We have read a variety of genres, (including fantasy, non fiction, poetry) and favorite characters.  We hope you have enjoyed your time with books as well!

In Math this week we have been discussing Greater Than, Less Than and we have been breaking teen numbers into groups of ten and some more.  We continue to practice writing and playing games with teen numbers.  We are getting very fluent with our math facts!  We have been drawing numbers stories and number sentences while adding and subtracting as well.  We continue to practice shapes and number writing to 30.

In Science this week we have dipped into the needs of animals.  We have watched different animals find food in nature, protect themselves, and build shelter.  We have even practiced some of the same movements as well!  It was great watching a group of snails in the classroom protecting their eye stalks :).

A BIG THANK YOU to our Mystery Readers this week!  We loved having you!

A BIG THANK YOU to all of you parents, for making sure your Kinders are dressed warmly in this wacky weather we are having!

A BIG THANK YOU to our PTO for the yummy donuts for staff this week!

Friday, February 23rd

Oh my gosh!  This week flew by!

This week in Language we have been reading words with 3 sounds and words with 4 sounds.  Ask us to show you by tapping out and saying some words such as rug, rap, bag, must, stop, and desk.  We continue to practice writing sentences and getting familiar with the format and the idea of independently writing the sounds that we hear.  Some of us are hesitant, worried we will get it "wrong".  We are learning that in Kindergarten it is important to write the sounds that we hear, even if it isn't conventionally spelled correctly.

In Math this week we have wrapped up our Unit 3, and have moved on to Unit 4.  This month we will be breaking ten into "partners" and we will be breaking teen numbers into ten and some more.  It is a great idea to practice some teen numbers at home or writing teen numbers.  This repetition will help us becoming comfortable writing teen numbers and will increase our fluency.  This month we will also be writing our math facts rather frequently.

We learned a bit about plants in Science this week.  We learned that living things have needs, and that plants are living things.  Ask us what needs a plant may have and what might happen if we don't meet those needs.  Next week we will talk about the needs of animals and some lifecycles.

Next week is dress up week!  I am looking forward to seeing some of the outfits you will put together at home!  Also, a reminder that it is our last week of I Love to Read month!  Keep working on your BINGO grids!

Tuesday, February 13th

Where to begin?  So much happening this month!

This month we will celebrate I Love to Read Month. We are participating in a variety of BINGO activities, both at home and at school.  Keep working on your bingo grids at home, to be turned in at the end of February!  In our classroom, we are completing our own bingo grid.  We are reading books and enjoying literature and as a bonus, might get a bingo on our own board!  As a school, we are looking each day at a posted picture of a character for which we are trying to get a bingo on a different grid.  So much fun!

We celebrated the 100th day of school last week!  We did a variety of activities all centering around 100:  building with 100 cups, counting to 100 in different ways, writing numbers to 100, showing 100 acts of kindness, what we might buy with $100, reading 100 words... so many things!  Thank you for working so hard on your projects at home... we LOVED sharing about them in class!

We have been talking about some letters that may make more than one sound, such as the letter s ( it can make the /s/ sound and the /z/ sound).  We are also learning that the letter k is in one syllable words with i and e.  Otherwise we will use the letter c with the remaining vowels.  We are learning that k can work together in a blend in words such as skip, desk, and mask.  Tapping our 4 sounds is new to us and we have realized it is easy to miss a sound if we go too fast!  We are so good at writing words with 3 sounds, ask us to show you!

In Math we continue to practice our teen numbers.  We know that teen numbers are actually ten and some more.  We have been practicing writing our teen numbers, and making sure that the "1" (or ten) comes first.  This can get tricky for us.  Practicing writing numbers at home will help with this!  We have been discussing how shapes can be combined to make new shapes and can help us draw pictures.  We have also been practicing positional words such as next to, below, under...  

In Science we have been learning about landforms and creating them out play dough.  We have also been learning about pushes and pulls, or force.  We got a chance to experiment with how far back we need to pull back a "wrecking ball" (made out of paper) in order to knock down a wall without affecting a house nearby.  We LOVED this activity!

Thank you for working so hard on your All About Me posters.  We are sharing those with our friends 2 or 3 times a week.  We are learning our public speaking skills as well as audience skills.  It is so fun to learn about our friends in this manner!

Thursday, January 25th

This week we discussed our state as well as what we might do if we could make the world a better place.  We added some nice artwork to the halls to show this.

In Language we discussed the letter Bb and its sound.  We discussed how we can tell the difference between b and d.  These two are typically tough for Kinders and some gentle reminders will help us learn faster.  We are learning some different strategies in the classroom that may help as well.  We learned that by reading words and deciding if they make sense or not can be a clue as to which letter we are seeing.  We discussed the word "bed" and how this can help us visualize what we are reading.  Tell us what you use to help us with that!  We also tackled one of the trickiest vowels, e.  This vowel is often mistaken for another vowel so we have been stressing the /e/ sounds when we hear them.  We will continue to write words and read words to help us remember.  We have been reading very well!  We are learning and trying to remember the conventions of sentences as well, including spaces, punctuation, and uppercase letters only at the beginning of the sentence.

In Math this week we have focused on both the teen numbers and on making groups of 5 to help us with counting and adding.  I am always amazed at how quickly we pick up our additon and subtraction!  Your kiddos are so good at these!

We had to have a discussion this week about BFFs.  I am finding that this term is becoming detrimental as it is leaving some kiddos out.  I have reminded us that we are all friends and that we won't use the term "BFF" in the classroom.  We are also learning that friends use kind words and actions, which does not include telling others with whom they can play.  Please reinforce this at home. Thank you for the help!

We welcome a new person to our Albany Elementary Family!  Ms. Deanna will be in the office, ensuring all our days run smoothly.  We are happy to have her!

Thursday, January 18th

So much happening in our room!  Last week breezed right by,,  Some of our highlights include joining the school for a concert by the St. John's Boys Choir.  We sat so very well and listened to some very beautiful music.  We also very much enjoyed our Mystery Reader, Ms. Kaila.  She read one of our friend Brinlee's favorite books.

This week has been short and jam-packed.  We have learned about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and the things he has done to help our country.  We learned that he believed in equal rights and in peace.  We are sharing some of our own dreams for the world.  Ask us what our dreams for the world are!  We are also learning about places and regions.  We are discussing neighborhoods (in towns, cities and countrysides), states, and countries.  We have discussed the difference between maps and models (globes).  We will learn about landforms in the weeks to come.

In Language this week we learned about the letter g and the sound that it makes.  We learned about the words "in" and "it".  These are words that are pretty common in our reading and words that we can decode from the letters we have learned so far.  We continue to work on writing sentences using spaces, uppercase letters at the beginning, and punctuation.

We have also been showing Ms. Molly and Mrs Boyer what we have learned this year.  We have been showing what we know through the assessments.  These include our district assessments and through our districtwide FAST assessments.  Our district assessment will help me determine if your Kinder is beginning to learn the MN state standards, if they are developing their knowledge of the standards, or if they meet those standards.  We will have a chance to discuss this when we meet for conferences in the beginning of February.  Ms. Steve, a former teacher for Albany Elementary, is meeting with Kinders for about 10 minutes to help us determine which pieces the kiddos have learned.

In Math this week we have discussed shapes.  We have learned that shapes can combine to make new shapes and a picture.  We have learned that some shapes can also be broken into smaller shapes as well.  We continue to practice our number sense each day, and practice writing our numbers.  We also have been discussing number partners, those 2 number when combined will form a sum.

Thursday, January 4th, 2024

Happy New Year!  It was so fun to see everyone after the holdiay break!  From what I am hearing the Kinders all had a super break and got to visit family and friends.  We talked a bit about our favorite parts and maybe even some gifts we received.

We started our week learning about the letters and sounds of Oo, and today/tomorrow we reviewed what we know about Dd.  We have had time in stations to play with playdough, to draw things with Oo and things with Dd, learn a new word game, and to read some words from the sounds we have had.  I am so proud of how careful we are when writing, and what good readers we are!  We continue to practice tapping the sounds and then blending the words.  Some of us are more familiar with sounds and are "reading" the words in our heads before reading them aloud.  We are slowly getting used to our busy morning routine again and, for the most part, need very few reminders.  

We have been reviewing the rules and routines as we go and have shared the Pawsitive Pride mat we earned in December with the 2nd grade classroom.  We are working hard to earn it a second time, as well as earning the "golden" spatula for using Huskie Hero voices in the lunchroom.  Next week we will learn about places and regions in the United States, and will go over basic map skills in the following week.

In Math this week we have been learning about groups of 10 and how this is helpful for counting teen numbers.  We made groups of ten and some more.  We also have been talking about adding numbers together.  We call the addends "partners".  For example, 2 and 4 are partners to make 6.  We learn they can switch two partners to make the same number (2+4 and 4+2 both equal 6).  We will begin completing math facts on paper, which can be frustrating for Kinders at first.  We will talk about our perserverance (our character strong trait for the month) while working on these.  I am always amazed at how quickly students catch on to this concept!

Thank you, as always, for making sure your kiddos are warm on the playground.  This weather is so goofy, and the morning temp can differ greatly from the afternoon temp!  

Thursday, December 21st, 2023

What a week!  We enjoyed so many fun dress up days!  We enjoyed Christmas wear on Monday, Twins day on Tuesday, Elf day on Wednesday, and PJ day on Friday.  Watch for photos to come! We have also celebrated many birthdays this week and we enjoyed making our birthday journals for our friends.  Some of you have brought things to share, and thank you for those items!

Our Special Person's Day was a success!  Thanks to you for all the donations and help filling out forms to pull this off!  Also, a big thanks to the Albany PTO for donating the cups, plates, frosting and graham crackers!  We enjoyed our time with our special guests and were very good hosts for them.  Ask us what we did that made us good hosts!

On Tuesday we dressed as Twins and some of us didn't even know it!  It was fun to see who were twins for the day, based on colors we wore.  What fun!  We conitnue to practice reading and writing 3 letter words this week.  We are slowly getting the hang of sentence writing, remembering our spaces, upper case letters at the beginning and our punctuation at the end.  We have done some fun activities as well!

Wednesday we had a real "workshop" in our classroom!  It was fun, at free choice, some Kinders actually rearranged our room to look more like a workshop :).  Our little elves wanted to work hard like Santa's elves do!  We made gifts for our 5th grade buddies and finished up gifts for you.  We sent them home for you and hope you enjoy them!  We also earned a bucketfiller party!  The kiddos are very much looking forward to a treat while we play board games on Thursday.  Ask us what it is!

On Friday we plan to enjoy some time in the morning playing Bingo with our 5th Grade Buddies and sharing our Peefs with them.  We will then watch some of our movie in the morning and finish it in the afternoon.  Somewhere in there we will draw names to see who we will give our color book to.  Mrs. Boyer might also have something for the kiddos....

Thursday, December 14th, 2023

We have had some changes this week in our daily routine, and our kiddos have handled it so well!  We had some guest teachers this week and we did not have stations for 2 days now.  We were able to see some of the dress rehearsal of our schoolmates over at the BEAT today.  It was so fun to see our 5th Grade Buddies on the walk over and to see family members and friends up on stage!  We even had some readers from the HIgh School read to our class this morning.  They had some good stories to share!

This week we wrapped up our unit in Math.  We have continued to practice all we have learned up to this point, and will continue this into next week.  We have practiced number writing, counting, patterning and some addition and subtraction.  

In Social Studies this week we have talked about the traditions of Kwanzaa.  We have compared and contrasted these traditions with Christmas and Hanukkah. We have also discussed things we need in life versus the things we may want in life.  We learned we must have needs to survive.  We learned that wants are things we can enjoy and we can't enjoy our wants unless our needs first have been met.

In Language this week we have practiced the letters and sounds we know and created/read words with them.  We have made and read many CVC (consonant/vowel/consonant) words such as tip, tin, tap, man.  We have also continued to practice our "heart" words.  We have journaled about what we might look like as one of Santa's elves and we have written sentences.

Some of us were chosen to see Rebel the Dog this week.  We can get chosen at random for showing we are kind, strong, and well.  In short, showing we are a Huskie Hero!  We have also earned the Pawsitive Pride mat outside our door for walking quietly in the hallway. We even earned some Bucketfillers for doing a great job in lunch today!  We made no messes, ate all our food, and were calm and respectful.  Woohoo!

We are super excited to see our Special People on Monday and to dress up next week.  We have some fun activities planned!  Enjoy your weekend!

Our Christmas Wishes to Santa:

Please bring a car to Tyler. -Brinlee

Please bring a toy baby to my little sister. -Luka

Please bring a 100 pound stuffy to Luka. -Sam

Please bring a stuffy to Sam. -Alex

Please bring a blanket to Mom. - Huntlee

Please bring a salad spinner to Mom. - Harper

Please bring a bracelet for Mom. - Bella

Please bring tools for Dad. - Landon

Please bring money for Mrs. Boyer. - Thomas

Please bring a new knife for Dad. - Rowan

Please bring a new car for my Mom. - Jaxson

Please bring a new phone for Mom.- Tobias

Please bring something fancy to hang on the tree  for my mom. - Maxsim

Please bring a teddy bear for Dad. - Everlee

Please bring a back massage thing for Mom.  -Hayden

Please bring a ring and a bracelet for Mom.  -Layla

Friday, December 8th, 2023

Wowzers, this week went fast!  We were busy creating things in our "workshop" for something special for you!

This week we focused on the sounds of Ii and on Nn and made words in the -in word family.  We are becoming very good at sounding out our words.  Ask us to tap a three sounded word for you (fin, pin).  We are getting used to manipulating our fingers to help us reocognize and count the sounds in words.  We are even starting to write those words (which takes a bit more brain power) and we are becoming more and more comfortable doing that.  We have been writing short sentences with the sounds we have learned so far.  We are slowly beginning the process of using conventions (Upper case letters at the start of a sentence, spaces between words, and punctuation at the end of sentences).  I can't believe how much we are learning!  We continue to practice our "heart" words.  These are words that we haven't learned the "rules" for yet.  These include the words "the", "is", "I".  I am so proud of us!

In Math this week we have practiced writing our numbers, learned about the hexagon and discussed the shrinking pattern.  We are almost to the end of our second unit so will be checking in with the kiddos to see what they are able to remember.  We made a chain this week to help us count down our days until Christmas using an AB pattern.  We have learned the names of patterns and how they almost always repeat (the growing and shrinking patterns don't).

In Social Studies this week we talked a bit about jobs while reading Snowmen Under Construction.  We also discussed that we have jobs to earn money, and that some jobs provide goods for us to buy and other jobs provide services.  Next week we will talk about things that we need to survive and things we want, but don't need.  We feel this is timely!  We also learned about a holiday that some people may celebrate called Hanukkah.  We compared how Hanukkah and Christmas are similar and how they are different.  We learned some symbols of Hanukkah and even learned how to play the Dreidl game.  We loved it!

Thank you to our Mystery Readers this week!  Landon's Aunt Nikki joined us on Thursday and Maxsim's Grandma joined us today.  We love finding out who our readers are and we listen so kindly to them!  

Thursday, November 30th, 2023

I hope you had a wonderful break with family and friends!  It is a true blessing to work with each of you and for seeing your kind-hearted children's faces each morning!

This week we jumped back into learning!  We shared what our break was like, and I heard lots about pie :).  We got right back into the routine by starting something relatively new.  We are learning letters, sounds, and words in a new way.  We use blending boards and are already building words from the sounds we know.  We are reading them like rockstars!  You will notice we focus on two letter names and sounds a week as well as a word.  We are also making new words out of the sounds we learn as we go.  I am so impressed by the kiddos ability to soak up all this new information!  We continue to practice things we know to "build a super highway" in our brains, making the path easier and easier to travel from each part of the brain needed for reading and writing.

In Math this week we have talked about patterns this week, those that repeat and those that grow.  We will talk about shrinking patterns next week.  We also did some addition and subtractions stories and we wrote the number 10.

We have revisited the idea of seasons this week as well.  We are learning that the season is still fall even though the temperature has dropped.  We continue to graph the weather daily to see trends in our graphs.  We will be talking about goods and services next week.  We will start to tie next week and the following week (needs and wants) into the holdiay season.  We will have a discussion on which items are goods and which are services.

We will have our first Mystery Reader tomorrow!  I am so excited for this!

Friday, November 17th, 2023

What a great week!  I was out last week and sure missed our Kinders!  I was so happy to return on Monday and see our kiddos.  We did lots of learning and fun things together as a class and as a grade level.

In Langauage this week we learned about the letters and sounds of Tt and Ss.  We have also talked about heart words.  Heart words are words that we will learn by "heart".  These are the words with the sounds we have not yet learned or that are don't have a "rule".  The words this week we have discussed are I, a, the, said.  We have been practicing making our letters, as well as listening for both the beginning sounds of a word and the ending sounds of a word.

In Math this week we wrote numbers, counted to 50 (Lots!), added with the +1 rule, and discussed shapes.  We celebrated our 50th day of school on Thursday and had a great time dressing from the 50's.  We learned a bit about what life was like in the 1950s and it tied in very well with our Then and Now unit in Social Studies.  We built towers out of 50 items, we had a Sock Hop (we LOVED the way they used to dance!) and we made some books to help us celebrate the day.

Our Social Studies Then and Now has brought about great discussion that things change over time.  We learned that even we are different than when we were babies.  We have learned about life of different people in the past, including the lives of indiginous people.  We will discuss why some chose to leave their county and come to America, leading up to the reason for us celebrating the  American tradition Thanksgiving.

We had a super fun Friday!  We earned ourselves a PJ party and a treat today.  We had fun wearing our PJs and even had a picnic snack today!  We walked to our meeting place in case of an emergency at school.  We loved the chance to walk with our friends from other classes and had a great time on the playground with an extra recess upon our return. The weather was perfect for our walk, and we enjoyed a story and a rest at our meeting place before heading back.  Thank you all for our warm PJs today!

Lastly, I would like to say thank you for meeting with me at conferences this week.  I truly enjoy connecting with you to talk about our plans for our favorite little people.  I am excited to finish out our conferences by meeting with the last few families.  You are all amazing parents!

Thursday, November 3rd, 2023

Thanks so much for sending warm clothes for kiddos in the mornings.  We are seeing red cheeks come in from the playground!

A BIG THANK YOU to all the volunteers who were able to join us for our Halloween Parade and Party.  We loved the time spent with you!  We enjoyed sharing our costumes with some classrooms in the school and then we played some "spooky" fun games.  We did an Eyeball Bounce, some playdough, Hide the Ghost, we played Franked and we decorated Treat Bags.  It was very kind and generous to share some "treats' with friends in the classroom.  There were many smiles that day!  We enjoyed an apple snack while listening to a story from our helpers.  We loved the flashlight reading...ask us about that!

This week we have begun practicing our letter formation in earnest.  We are learning that we start making our letters at the top of the line and pull down, not from the bottom.  We have been practicing strengthening our fine motor muscles by writing, coloring, and playing with sensory items.  We are getting better at adding detail to our drawings and coloring within the lines that we have drawn.  It is a process!  We continue to have Centers that enhance our learning of letter formation and sounds.  We continue to play "sound games" with rhymes, listening to beginning and ending sounds and singing songs.  Next week we will begin revisiting letters more deeply and focusing on if we hear their sounds in the beginning or end of the word.  We will also begin focusing more on handwriting.

This week in Science we have learned about the pumpkin.  We learned the name of it's parts (including where the peduncle and blossom end are) and it's life cycle.  Next week we will talk a bit about Civics and learn the voting process.

In Math this week we have practiced writing our letters and finding groups of 5.  We have also been telling number stories and have started to relate symbols and number sentences with our stories.  We have learned a new game today while practicing our number formation and boy, did we have some excitement!  Ask your Kinders to tell you about it!

This week we celebrated our successful fundraiser by enjoying a movie in the BEAT.  We walked to the BEAT and showed how we are Huskie Heroes by being responsible and respectful.  We will beginning to explore Gratitude in SEL this week.  Enjoy your time with your Kinder!  They grow so fast!

Thursday, October 26th, 2023

We are starting to feel the cold weather!  Thanks so much to all of you for making sure your kiddos are warm and snug in their cold-weather clothes.  If you haven't already, it is a good idea to have your kiddo try to dress themselves for outside weather.  Some zippers are tricky, I know, but kiddos feel such a sense of pride when they can independently get themselves ready.  Thank you!

I hope you all had a great break last week.  I have a hard time believing it is already Thursday!  This week we have been doing activities with all the letters of the alphabet.  We have been putting letters in order, listening to sounds, and trying to correlate the sounds with the correct letter.  This week we have also begun handwriting.  We have practiced how to hold our pencils and color crayons.  We are practicing our names and taking notice if we have tall letters, small letters, or fall letters in our names.  We are practicing coloring so we stay in the lines and strengthen our finger muscles by moving our fingers and not our whole arm.  We have been stamping letters of the alphabet and using stickers to match up letters as well.  We have used playdough and torn paper to practice our fine motor muscles, and we have created candy corn crafts and a fun spider web with our name "caught" inside.  

In Math this week we have been finding groups of five.  We are noticing we can add five and some more.  We are creating groups of 5 with the fingers of one hand, and using our other to make "some more".  We continue to count each day, and the kiddos are LOVING when we count to 100! We have also been telling and solving number stories.  

We have been visited by members of the yearbook committee.  We took some pictures that may be in the yearbook-how exciting!  Don't forget to order your yearbook now for delivery in the spring!

Thursday, October 12th, 2023

We had a GREAT time walking to the Albany Fire Department on Monday!  We had gorgeous weather and a good turnout of helpers.  We enjoyed learning about fire safety, seeing the vehicles, and spraying water like the real firefighters do!  Thank you to all who were able to come!  We continued to learn about fire safety in the classroom.  We have discussed what is safe at home and what is not.  We have practiced a fire drill several times, and our first school-wide fire drill today.  We were expecting the loud sound, but we were amazing and didn't let it bother us as we walked to our safe spot.  Please talk with your kiddos about the safe routes out of your home and where your family can meet.  We LOVE watching and singing the song below this post.  Ask us to sing it for you!  On Friday we will meet with our 5th Grade Buddies in Ms. Koening's class.  We will meet about once a month to do some fun activities together.  Ask your Kinder if they remember their buddy's name.

In Language this week, we talked about the letters with two sounds: Xx and Qu.  We learned that "q and u are stuck like glue" in most words.  We also have learned about the vowels Aa, Ii, and Oo.  In Kindergarten we start by practicing the short sound of vowels. We will learn some rules that help us remember what sound the vowels will make in words beginning soon.  We are starting to break words apart into syllables...we rock!  We continue to practice writing letters in the air to practice letter formation.  Be on the lookout for the letter cards we are using in school and ask your Kinder to show you the action to help us remember each sound!

We continue to focus on sets of numbers, and have become more confident writing these numbers.  We are finding the numbers 2, 3, and 5 especially tricky to make.  Feel free to have your kiddo make these numbers with playdough, in sand/flour, or by air writing.  We have also talked about patterning this week, shapes, and ordering numbers.  We are becoming quite the counters as well...we love the challenge of counting to numbers higher than 50!

We have been practicing entering our lunch/library numbers independently.  I plan to sendd these home with your Kinder tomorrow.  Try to practice these at home.  We have caught onto these likety split!

Thursday, October 5th 2023

We started the week with our first guest teacher.  The kiddos received high praise from Mrs. Rabideau, and they really had some high praise to share about her as well!  

Thank you to all who are able to join us on our walk to the Fire Department on Monday.  We are hoping for some great walking weather!

Boy, the weather this week has kept us on our toes!   We have been talking about the different weather we might see during the different seasons in Minnesota.  We are using clues to tell us the temperature outside (the clothes people are wearing) and the clues we see to tell us the season (leaves changing and fallilng, animals storing for the winter).

In Language we have discussed the letters and sounds of Ww, Dd, Hh, Yy, and Zz.  We have gotten to use whiteboards, dominoes and daubers, a dinosaur dig, handpuppets, yarn, and puzzles and zig zags.  We like to come up with words each day in which we hear the sound of the day.  We are getting so good at this!

In math this week we have been writing numbers and drawing number sets.  We have also been telling number stories for addition and subtraction.  Today we told some simple stories (There was 1 cat.  Another cat came.. How many all together?). Feel free to do this at home!  We are noticing when we add, we end up with more while when we subtract we end up with less.  We are not adding/subtracting above 5 at this time and are off to a great start!

We have been talking about respect as a school, and it fulfills our schoolwide expectations of Be Kind.  We are working hard to show how we are Huskie Heroes!  Feel free to carry this theme through at your home.  

Thursday, September 28th, 2023

Hello All!  Thank you all so, so much for helping the way you did for the Walk A Thon!  All the Kinders were amazing listeners and very flexible with our change of plans for the day.  We had some volunteers outside and inside that day-it is so appreciated!  We loved playing and walking with our friends.  Some of us actually ran around the football field several times! 

We had a great time dressing up and supporting our homecoming students.   We were able to have some royalty from the Sr. High come on over to read to us, we loved the dress up days and we will finish off our homecoming week by wearing purple tomorrow for our Purple Pride day! 

This week we have learned the sounds and letters of Jj, Kk, Vv, and Gg.  We have made some letter crafts and have been distinguishing between a letter's name and it's sound.  We have been counting words in sentences, recognizing sounds in words, and playing with the kitchen area, kinetic sand, keys, making volcanoes and playing with gears.  We have been learning about new animals like vultures and kangaroos, and learning what a violin sounds like.  We are getting very good at logging on to our iPads and cutting things.

In Mth this week we have been talking about the differences between a square and a rectangle, and learned that a square is a special kind of rectangle.  We have made some towers to help us determine which numbers are more and less/fewer.  We have started to include our knowledge of numbers 6-10 and will be writing numbers tomorrow for the first time.

The calendar will come home tomorrow, and a family craft for you and your Kinder to work on together.  Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, September 21st, 2023

My gosh, the week has flown!

This week we learned about the letter sounds of Ff, Cc, Nn, Bb, and Rr.  We continue to listen and come up with a list of words with this sound.  It is so fun to hear your Kinder pick the sounds out of words they know!  This is an excellent first step in reading! This week we have enjoyed making an f wiht our fingertips, making a friendship braclet, cutting and playing with cars, making noodle necklaces, building with blocks and buttons, and exploring rice while reading letters and cutting red playdough.  

We continue to talk about our important names and how to start at the top when writing most letters.  We will hunker down on letter formation in several weeks, but we are trying to correct any inconsistancies with letter formation now.  We are doing sky writing and I have been giving reminders on how to hold our writing utensils and scissors.

We have talked a bit about germs this week and why we wash our hands.  Ask your Kinders what happened when Mrs. Boyer didn't cover her "sneeze" or her "cough" (hint:  it has to do with a water mister).  We are so interested in what we think germs may look like!

In Math this week we have begun to add and subtract on a very basic level. We have also discussed the circle and it's attributes.  We compared numbers today to determine greater than/less than.  Some of us are still learning to listen to directions in a whole group setting.  We are working hard on this and on waiting our turn to talk.  We have so much to share, but we are learning to wait until Mrs. Boyer is finished speaking with another student before jumping in :).

We will celebrate our first birthday this week!  Happy Birthday to Hayden tomorrow!

Next week we have a special day on Wednesday with our Walk A Thon! A big THANK YOU to those who are able to donate time or funds to our PTO.  With this we hope to enjoy some field trips this year.  In the past, we have visted a theater, an art space, the Sugar many options!  We will let you know when we learn more about what might be coming up!

Thursday, September 14th, 2023

We have continued to learn about the letters and the sounds they make.  We take a close look at our lips in mirrors, think about tongue placement, if we have a continuous air flow, and if our voicebox is on.  We have been listening carefully for the sound of the day and set up stations around those sounds.  This week we have enjoyed the marble run, magnetic tiles, stickers, slime, tractors, tracing, legos, lacing letters and tomorrow plan on pom poms and playdough for a sensory center.  We are learning to "air write" the letters to promote correct formation, and you should be seeing a zoo-ful of animals heading your way.  We continue to listen carefully for rhyming words and play sound games with words to strengthen our phonemic awareness.

In Math we continue to count one to one and to learn what a number represents.  We will be doing quite a bit of drawing number groups and telling number stories.  We continue to explore with math manipulatives and are learning how to listen and follow directions to complete our math pages.  A parent letter and number cards are intended to go home tomorrow to enhance learning at home if you desire.

We are learning about Respect as our character strong trait this next few weeks.  We are learning that when we show respect we are being kind.  It is so fun to see the Kinders help each other out during free choice and with everyday routine tasks.  Helping each other with milk cartons is so empowering at this time!  Please continue to encourage respect and independence at home!  

We have been slowly building up some fine motor muscles by playing playdough, using legos, and drawing and writing.  This isn't easy for all Kinders, so please continue to encourage your kiddo at home.  I like to acknowledge that it is ok to make mistakes, as that helps us learn.  Practicing each day, even when it is difficult, is another way to teach our hands to work together with our brain.  We are doing amazing!

Next week we plan to talk about germs and to learn about Ff, Cc, Nn, Bb, and Rr.  Have a great weekend!

Monday, September 11th, 2023

Here's hoping your weekend was great!  I did hear of some fun activities and I am glad you were able to enjoy the time together.

I noticed some tired kiddos this morning, but we powered through our Monday.  I was so excited to see the Kinders head out to the playground on their own this morning!  I will try to remember to prep the kiddos that I have a meeting on Wednesday morning, so the classroom door will be closed.  I am confident they will be able to head right out!

We practiced the letter Mm today and the sound it makes.  We discussed that it is called a nasal sound (ask what happens when you make the /m/ sound with your nose plugged) and that we use our voicebox to make the sound.  We even looked in the mirror to see what our lips were doing while making /m/ sounds!  We made a mouse, played with marbles and magnets, and made Mm with daubers.  We even got a chance to listen to Mm during stories.  We even learned Little Miss Muffett!

In Math today we talked about the importance of numbers and counting while we point to numbers.  We start with numbers 1-5 to get the routine and the foundational skills for counting larger numbers.  We "ringed" (put a circle around) items while counting today and listened carefully for directions.  We are super counters!

Today we talked about a technique used in Kindergarten classes at Albany Elementary.  It is called Sit and Watch.  We talked that sometimes when we forget the rules and need a reminder, we may be asked to sit on a chair and watch our friends.  We learned that we sit and watch quietly until the teacher invites us back to learning with the others.  I give 2/3 warnings before a Kinders is asked to sit and watch.  I also will contact you so you are aware of how the day went.  When a sit and watch happens, I don't expect follow up at home at this time.  Thank you for your help with this!

I will blog again on Thursday!  Have a great few days!

Friday, September 9th, 2023

What a great week!  We tried stations today and were rockstars!  We got a chance to use cars, magna-tiles, teacher table and whiteboards. We learned the routine of having lessons and then completing a station.  Your Kinders did well with this new routine.  This will be our morning learning style and I am looking forward to learning so much with your Kinder!

After stations, we read about Pete the Cat rocking in his school shoes and then we had a scavenger hunt to try and find Pete in our school.  Ask your Kinder if we found Pete!  Next week we will spend a day introducing  a new letter of the alphabet.  This includes thinking of how our mouth feels and looks when we make sounds.  We plan to use mirrors to see what we notice!  

Thanks you to all who have shared crackers for snack.  We will have a small bite to eat after our stations before Specials each morning.  I think this helps us get through the rest of the morning.  

We visited Mr. Johnson for PE today, and are looking forward to meeting Mr. Ressley on Monday when we come back to school.  We had a chance to try our iPads today and the routine of logging on.  Your kiddos waited very patiently for their turn if they needed help.  

Enjoy your weekends and your Kinders!  They are fantastic!

Wednesday, September 6th, 2023

A stellar second day of school!  We continue to work on rules and routines in our classroom.  After recess on the big playground, we come in and bring things into the room.  We did eat more quickly today and we did our task when finished.  So great!  Your kiddos are learning so much!

We learned the schoolwide expectations for the cafeteria, the playground and the bus today.  We were able to complete our checkoff sheet to show we learned about all the areas in school and that we now know how to be Huskie Heroes. If your child gets a "puppy paw" this means they showed they were kind, strong, or well at school today.  Celebrate these!  As a class we are working on filling a "bucket" by earning paw prints as a class.  If our class gets a complement we can help fill our bucket.  When the bucket is full, we will vote to choose which type of celebration to have.  It may be a pj party, a flashlight reading party, extra gym many options!  I will let you know if we fill one up!

We visited our SEL room today, Ms. Courtney.  She will teach us about Character Strong.  This is a program designed to make us aware of our actions towards others.  Our district started this last year and it has been a success!  We also visited the library today for a short time.  You should have a paper explaining this in your folder.  No books were checked out today, but next week should be different.

Thank you for all you do at home!  

My Favorite Part of the First Day of School:

Landon:  "playing with toys"

Huntlee:  "playing with toys"

Rowan: "playing with toys"

Harper: "playing with toys"

Thomas: "playing with toys"

Sam:  "free choice"

Hayden: "swinging"

Bella:  "eating" 

Alex:  "playing with toys"

Luka: "playing with toys"

Brin: "eating"

Layla: "listening to storybooks and playing with toys"

Maksim: "playing with toys"

Tobias:  "recess"

Jaxson: "playing with toys"

Ruby: "playing"

Amara: "learning"

Everlee: "playing"

Tuesday, September 5th, 2023

Happy First Day of School!

We started our day going out to the regular school playground with all the big kids.  This was a change for us, but we all handled it so well!  Please make sure to tell older siblings that we will go right out to the big playground after placing backpacks in lockers.  Thank you!

We learned so much today!  We learned how to enter our classroom and get ready for breakfast.  We learned how to wait for others and how to use the bathroom following our Huskie Heros expectations.  We learned how to do some table work and how to do a quiet activity while waiting for everyone to finish.  We had PE today and met our teacher there, Mr. Johnson.  We learned where the toys are all located and how to pick them up when the timer goes off.  We were rockstars at this!

We learned the expectations on the playground and were able to play outside with all our Kindergarten friends-some of us even found our siblings!  We came in for a rest and learned the routine for going to lunch.  We ate some hot dogs today, beans and salad bar.  We even had a popsicle which as a big hit!  We learned how to clean up after ourselves and walk quietly in the hallway.  

In Math we counted and read a number book.  We looked around the room for some numbers we knew.  We then packed up and were able to have a free choice at the end of the day.  Your Kinders played so well together!  They did a great job using words today and letting others know how they are feeling.  We had a very successful dismissal today.  Thank you so much for keeping in contact with me to ensure your Kinder got where they needed to go today!

Your Kinder will be tired today.  We tried to drink lots of water, but some more at home may be a good idea.  We will see you all tomorrow!

Friday, August 31

I very much enjoyed meeting/seeing all of you at entrance conferences!  I am looking forward to a new year!  Please feel free to email me with questions.  I will try to keep in touch with you weekly if there are any questions or concerns you may have.

I forgot to mention to some families that we will have volunteer opportunities throughout the year.  Keep on eye out for more notes coming home on that.  If you would like to volunteer, our school will require a background check.  To do this, please share your name and email address with me or Debbie Moritz in the office.  This is an easy process and will be good for 2 years.

Enjoy your weekend together!  I am looking forward to seeing your Kinder on Tuesday!

Hello!  The brand new school year is almost upon us!  I am excited to see you and your Kinder at Entrence Conferences.  If you haven't yet done so, please sign up!

Wishing you all a wonderful school year!