7th Grade Science 

Ms. Baldwin

 Ms. Baldwin- 7th Grade Science- Haven Middle School


Welcome to Haven 7th grade families and students! My name is Stephanie Baldwin and I teach 7th grade Science. I look forward to exploring a number of science concepts with you this year as we engage in hands on activities, problem-solving, scientific discussions, and make a number of exciting discoveries.

On my page you can find my contact info, Haven bell schedule, weekly agenda/homework,  important information/documents, as well as photo Twitter updates of some of the fun we will be having in class! Please check out the "Science" and "Student Resources" tabs at the top of the page to learn more about our science curriculum and where to find student assignments. 

Please don't hesitate to email with any questions, concerns, etc.


Room. 302

Email: baldwins@district65.net

                   Ms. Baldwin

Check out my Twitter updates to see what we are up to in class!