How to help foster a love of reading at home

How to Help Foster a Love of Reading at Home

Read alongside your child.

Finding time to read next to each other can make reading a special time that everyone can look forward to.

Read books with your child.

One of the greatest things about reading is being able to discuss what you are reading with others. By reading the same books, you can provide your child with opportunities to have the kinds of discussions that will motivate your child to keep reading.

Make sure your child sees you reading.

Even when your child is not reading, if he or she sees you reading, they will know that it is something you find enjoyable. This also sends the message that reading is important and creates a culture in your house that it is something to make time for.

Take your child to the library.

Taking trips to the library ensures that you don’t have to purchase every book that your child may want, and also provides access to librarians who can help guide your child towards new books.

Ask your child about the books he/she is reading.

Knowing that there are people at home who are interested in what they are reading and what they have to say can motivate children to read even more.

Talk to your child about the books you are reading.

Talk about not only what books you are reading, but how you selected them. Discuss books you loved and ones that you did not like. Talking about how you struggled through books at times can help them push through their own struggles.

Positively reinforce anything they choose to read at home.

Although it can be tempting to tell children that what they are reading isn’t good/hard/challenging enough, all reading has value. Every positive reading experience children have, where they make it through an entire text, helps them to feel successful. In school, children are exposed to many types of texts in various genres. At home, they should read what they love (magazines, blogs, picture books, chapter books, etc.).