Elementary Band

Elementary Band Information

Mrs. Sczepanski


Class Description

Band is open to all fifth and sixth graders.  Both bands meet separately twice a week for 30 minutes during the school day. The teachers have arranged their schedules so your child will not miss any classroom instruction during band time


Small Group Lessons

Each band member will receive a 10-15 minute private or semi-private lesson once a week. These lessons take place during the regular school day. During lessons your child will receive individual attention and technical instruction specific to your child’s instrument that cannot be taught during the full band rehearsal. Lessons contribute greatly to each student’s individual musical achievement and to the performance of the entire ensemble. Students MUST have their instrument and lesson book with them for all lessons. 


The band curriculum will focus on proper instrument techniques as well as music reading skills.  Students will learn proper rehearsal behaviors and students will gain a solid foundation in performance fundamentals such as:

Class Expectiations, Daily Practice and Performances

I acknowledge that students are involved in many extra curricular activities and finding time to practie at home can be difficult. Some helpful practice tips include: