Club Sponsors

Mr. Fish

Mr. Fish is one of the founding members of the Heineman SnowHawks Club since its creation in 2018.  I am an avid snowboarder, and love shredding in some fresh POWDER! I am usually the person you have to drag off the hills at night, because I just love tearing it up. 

My wife, and son 4 year old Parker also love snowboarding, and we can be found at Alpine Valley often on the weekends together teaching him how to master the slopes. Parker has actually been ripping it up since he was a year old :) 

Mr. Fish love the outdoors, and can be often found on the lifts making strong connection with the club members and challenging them to a few races. #ShedChallenge 

Mr. Rohde

Mr. Rohde is one of the founding members of the Heineman SnowHawks. He has been skiing since his elementary school days. If there is snow on the ground, chances are he'll be out in it. 

His wife, Sonya and their two daughters, Olivia and Annabelle can frequently be seen on our SnowHawks trips.  They have been skiing since we could find boots small enough to fit on their feet.

 Mr. Rohde's happy place is the Colorado Rockies. Steep and deep!!

Mrs. Peisert

Mrs. Peisert joined SnowHawks in 2022. She has been snowboarding since 2018 and has enjoyed every minute of it. Mrs. Peisert's favorite part about SnowHawks is getting to know the kids and their families more. She loves to seeing this club bring families together and create memories that will last a lifetime! 

Her husband, Emitt enjoys skiing and loves hitting the slopes with club. He typically tags along for each trip and loves encouraging the kids to not give up.

Mrs. Peisert's favorite spot is Vail, CO. She visited for the first time last year and is hoping to go back soon!