Band Handbook

Dear BNHS Band Student/Parent,

Welcome to the Belvidere North Band Program. I hope you are as excited about being part of this great band program for the 2018-2019 as I am. In this hand book, you will find information on policies, procedures and other important information about the BNHS Band Program. Please take the time to read through this handbook in its entirety. It is important for you to understand the policies, procedures, and the expectations that this handbook outlines.


Scott Aska

Director of Bands

Belvidere North Band Department Philosophy

The Belvidere North Band Program is dedicated to providing students with a foundation in musical understanding and appreciation. The organization is committed to enriching students’ lives by instilling the values of responsibility, cooperation, communication while fostering character and the importance of citizenship. This is achieved through the preparation and performance of quality music using high standards of artistry, creativity and musicianship.

Program Goals:

i. Guide students toward their artistic potential by providing opportunities for creativity, expression, and ideas through music.

ii. Develop individual musical interests and skills that will allow participation in music making throughout life.

iii. Expand knowledge, awareness and appreciation of different kinds of music.

iv. Increase participation and expand the Belvidere North Band Program by advocating for our organization throughout the community.

v. Build student enthusiasm, motivation and pride in the Belvidere North Band Program.

As a performance-based class, band must be viewed by all students and parents as a serious commitment. This is a WE/US concept, not an I/ME concept. As with any group, the Belvidere North Band Program depends on the full cooperation and support from all of its members. Your attitude and level of commitment directly influence those around you, which directly affect the success of the department. Do not think that your participation or lack thereof doesn’t matter.


Grades will be posted electronically using ESchool. Every effort will be made to keep grades current as best as possible.

Each Semester the grading is broken down as follows:

I. 40%- Performances- I weigh concert performances heavier than athletic performances.

II. 30%- Daily Rehearsal Etiquette.

III. 20%- Written and Playing Exams/Auditions

IV. 10%- Written Assignments

I generally do not give opportunities for extra credit in band. It is my philosophy that the student earns their grade, and they know what the expectation is. I did not give opportunities for this in the past, and will continue to operate the department in the fashion.

Expectation for Practice: Not all students require the same amount of practice outside of rehearsal. It is up to the student to recognize if they need to work on specific excerpts from the concert music. Adequate time is given for preparation of audition etudes, both for chair placement and for band placement in the spring.

Chair/Band Placement Auditions:

Each semester, students will be given the opportunity to audition for chair placement within their ensemble. Similar to unit tests, these auditions represent a large portion of the students 20% portion of their grade. The students are given audition etudes and are also shown the rubric that I will be assessing their playing ability on.

Purpose of Chair Placements:

A. Allows the director to assess each student’s musical growth and comprehension.

B. Allows the director to place students in the chair appropriate for his or her playing ability.

C. Allows the director to more effectively determine the appropriateness of music for individuals, sections and the ensemble as a whole when selecting literature.

D. 2nd Semester chair placement also determines the student’s band placement for the following year!

E. Performing an audition is very similar to a job interview. This is a skill that our future needs to have. I have explained this to many of my students in the past, and they understand the importance of this skill. It is not just for band………

Rehearsal Etiquette

Students will be evaluated on their ability to perform in a rehearsal setting. This grade is based on punctuality, achievement, music preparation, effort, contribution to the ensemble, and having all materials with them for rehearsal. Students are given 3 minutes to enter the room, assemble their instrument, gather their folder and be in their seat. Longer times will result in a lowered rehearsal etiquette grade. I also give students 3-4 minutes at the end of each rehearsal to pack up as well. Do not ask to use the restroom the moment you walk in the door. Permission will not be granted. Things that will lower a student’s grade are:

1. Usage of a cell phone during class

2. Chewing gum

3. Excessive talking that is not conducive to a rehearsal

4. Working on homework for other classes

During the marching season, each Wednesday night rehearsal is put into this Rehearsal Etiquette category. Each daily grade is worth 3 points; the Wednesday night rehearsal is worth 15 points. Wednesday night rehearsals are important, as they are the only chance we have to progress to completing our field show for home games. Rehearsals are from 6-9 pm, with the time subject to change based on the progression of the show.

Concert Credit:

Each band student is required to attend TWO musical events outside of those in which the student participates. If a student is participating in two ensembles, this equates to 4 musical events. I am generally pretty generous in granting credit. The only criteria that concert credit has is that it must be LIVE music. District 100 gives many concerts that are all free to the public at the PAC. If you would like to know the schedule, please contact me, and I can help you with attending one of them. The assignment will open in Eschool at the beginning of the year, with an end date of the last day of the semester. If a student is enrolled in multiple ensembles, the overall requirement does not change. Regardless of number of ensembles, two musical events per semester is the requirement.

How do students receive this credit? Easy, give Mr. Aska a copy of the program with your name signed on the front of it. If time is available, he will enter the grade into the gradebook right then, if not, it will be filed, and entered later in the semester. There is a turn in bin on top of the drinking fountain in the band room. Please use that for turning it in.

Rehearsal and Performance Responsibilities:

1. Students are required to attend ALL rehearsals and performances by the ensembles in which they are members. It is understood that on occasion, some students are going to have difficulty getting transportation to and from outside of school performances and rehearsals. Students are expected to plan ahead for these events, and work out the details.

2. Work is not an acceptable reason for missing a rehearsal, and especially a performance. All dates are given with adequate time to plan accordingly with an employer. If a student is unable to attend a performance for some reason, the student must provide Mr. Aska 2 weeks’ notice that they will not be able to attend. This must be completed electronically through Email. Mr. Aska will then determine if an Excused Absence will be granted or not. If it is excused, then a Performance Make Up Assignment may be given. Circumstances of the absence determine if this is required.


All Belvidere North Band students will be assigned a band locker at the beginning of the school year. Students who are renting school-owned instruments will be issued a Master padlock for their locker. Students with personally owned instruments are asked to provide a master padlock for their own instrument. This is to ensure that the student’s instrument is kept secure. We have close to 300 students in and out of the band/choral department rooms throughout each day. It is the student’s responsibility to keep his/her instrument safe and secure.

Locker Usage-

a. Instruments need to be kept IN THEIR CASES, with the LATCHES CLOSED. There was a time in the past when I went to take a school owned instrument out of the locker, and the case appeared to be latched- it wasn’t however, and the instrument fell 3 feet onto the hard floor below. It is IMPERATIVE that you keep you instrument case latched when in your locker. The only exception to this rule is in the event that the instrument becomes wet from an outdoor performance- at this time I encourage you to leave the case to dry out- this prevents mold/mildew.

b. Do NOT keep your band folder in your locker. We have very nice facilities at North, and part of that is a folder rack. You will be assigned a folder slot, and I expect that you keep your music in that slot. Flip Folders are the exception. They do not fit well in the folder slot, so I encourage you to keep them in your locker, outside of your case.

c. Items that are not permitted in your band locker: Food/Drink, Books and materials for other classes, Clothing- if I can smell it, it will be discarded, and Garbage. Keep North Looking Good! Take pride in having possibly the best rehearsal facilities in the entire NIC-10 Conference. We are privileged.

d. Vacant Lockers- Currently we have 300 band lockers, and only a fraction of them being used at the current time. Band lockers that are not assigned to students will be left vacant, with the doors closed. In the event that items are put into these lockers, they will be removed and discarded. Keep it Classy.

Concert Attire:

Students are expected to dress professionally and formally at performances. Unless otherwise notified, the following is the ONLY acceptable performance attire:

Symphonic/Concert Band Performances


White, button up long sleeve dress shirt

Black dress slacks- no Jeans

Black dress shoes or dinkles with black socks


Black/white dress or formal concert attire- skirt length must meet school dress code requirements.

Black dress shoes- No flip flops. Open toed shoes are acceptable.

Jazz Band

Black dress slacks

Black Button up dress shirt

Dress shoes- Black

Marching Band Uniforms:

The Belvidere North Marching Thunder uniform consists of a jacket, Bibbers, shako hat, plume, white gloves (for wind players) and black marching shoes. Plumes are distributed at marching band events, weather permitting. All other items will remain in your possession outside of the band room. Issued uniforms are not to be kept in the band room, unless given permission by Mr. Aska.

Uniforms will be inspected periodically at events. Socks need to be black or dark blue. White socks/no-show socks are not considered appropriate as they detract from uniformity. Dark colored socks will be SOLD to students should they show up to an event unprepared. Long pants are commonly worn underneath the bibbers; however they need to not be showing.

Normal wear and tear to a uniform is expected with the amount that we wear them. This includes mud, wrinkles, etc. Worn, ripped or moldy fabric generally indicates improper handling, wearing, or care of the uniform. Students will incur a $20 fee at the end of the year to cover the cost of repairing the uniform. Should the uniform be irreparable, the student will incur a fee equal to the cost of uniform replacement.

Wearing uniforms correctly, hanging them up properly after use, and storing them in a safe place at home will help insure that you don’t have to pay when uniforms are collected. Uniforms will be due at a specified date at the end of the school year, prior to seniors last day. Students that do not turn in their uniform will be added to the fine list in the main office. Don’t be that student! It is much harder to be removed from that list than it is to be placed on it.


You are responsible for any music that is handed out during the year, so treat it with respect. All concert music that is handed out are originals. Some of the music is no longer in print. This makes it especially difficult when trying to locate replacement photo-copies. Other local area band directors have better things to do in their spare time than send me PDF copies of the music that students lose.


Unless you own your instrument, you are probably renting it from a local music store or from the BNHS band department. Either way, treat it with respect. Instruments are very expensive, and do not function properly if not taken care of.

If the instrument that you play on is in need of repair, please see Mr. Aska at an appropriate time to evaluate the instrument. If it can be fixed quickly, I will. If it needs further evaluation, leave it with Mr. Aska, and he will evaluate it during his plan time, or after school. If it is beyond his capabilities to repair, he will recommend that it be sent in to either Guzzardo’s or to Voigts. Both companies call on Belvidere North, so you have a choice in your repair. Two other options for repair is Stateline Instrument repair, and Roger’s Music in Dekalb. Those options you will need to find ways to get the instrument to and from the shop. Don’t play on an instrument that needs repair.

Guzzardos Performance Music Voigt Music

3010 Charles St. 34 S. Main St.

Rockford, IL Janesville, WI

815-229-3020 608-365-2276

Band Room

The rooms in the music department are ours and must be treated with respect. Students are expected to put everything where it belongs when they are finished in the band room, midi lab, and practice rooms. This means putting your music and instruments away and putting stands/chairs back the way they were when you entered the room. Percussionists WILL keep the back of the room orderly. No music/other items will be allowed to be left on the floor. Trap table must remain clean, with the doors shut, and drumline equipment will be stored along the wall by the folder cabinet in a neat and orderly fashion. Practice rooms are a privilege to use. If they are being abused, or being used for the wrong reasons, you will be asked to leave. The computers that are in the practice rooms have the same policy. They are to be used only for schoolwork and band purposes. Any other usage will not be tolerated. The instrument room is also a place that we share traffic with the choral department. Students are not allowed to store items such as instruments, shoe boxes, etc. on the floor. Such practice will forfeit rehearsal etiquette points for each day that I find your items in places they do not belong.

Food and Drink

Food and drink is not permitted in the band room during the day, unless otherwise specified by Mr. Aska. This is not only to keep insects from invading our premises, but it is also school policy. I will enforce this school rule. Water is acceptable in a clear container only. Exceptions to this rule are when we rehearse late in the evening for Wednesday nights, and also on Game Nights. All garbage must be placed in trash cans. GUM is not acceptable by anyone in band. Any student caught chewing gum will forfeit all points accrued that day.

Purchases and Band Debts:

Students are expected to purchase their own band supplies. This includes reeds, cork grease, valve oil, slide cream, drum sticks. The band office keeps a limited number of band supplies to purchase. Keep in mind that the prices will be inflated because I want to encourage you to purchase them yourself, and not take rehearsal time away for the purchase of these items. A list of available items are listed on the band door.

Students should pay for band supplies at the time of receiving them. It is however understood that students do not always carry money on them. A record will be kept throughout the year, and a “band debt sheet” will be given at the end of each semester to even up.

Student Escrow Accounts

Each student in the band program has their own individual escrow account that is managed by Mr. Aska. Students can contribute to their escrow account through fundraisers that are offered throughout the year. A percentage of the earnings will be placed into their escrow account, with the remainder going into the general band activity account. Students are allowed to pay for band related items or a music department trip using these funds. Escrow funds cannot be withdrawn for cash.

Escrow Funds that are not used by a student prior to graduation or leaving the program cannot be reimbursed to the student. If the student has a younger sibling in the band program, those funds can be transferred to that student. If the student is in the CMS band program, those funds can be held for a period of 3 years. After 3 years, the funds will be transferred into the general band activity account.

Lost and Found

Any items left lying around the band room will be located to the shelf next to the sink in the instrument storage room. If an item is not collected within 1 week, the item will be discarded.


The band will participate in a limited number of fundraising activities during the year. Some fundraisers will benefit a student’s escrow account directly, and others will benefit the band as a whole. Funds may be needed for new instruments, equipment, band travel costs, special programs, or parties. In addition to fundraising for the department directly, the Music Boosters also plan events throughout the school year. These events help pay for many things as well. Please participate as you are able.

Student Escrow Accounts and Fundraising Disclosure

Belvidere North High School Instrumental Music Department

In general, when a student participates in a BNHS Band Music Department fundraising activity (fundraiser), the overwhelming majority of the profits for that student will be placed into the student’s individual escrow account. This account is maintained by the music directors and managed by D-100 finance staff. Receipts and/or invoices are always required to make payment, but the funds can be used at the student’s discretion for music department related expenses such as the following:

· Extended Performance Tours

· Music/Performance Field Trips

· Other Performance Costumes

· Replacement Uniforms

· Program Initiatives

· Required Music Apparel

· Music/Performance Camps

· Music/Performance Clinics

· Music/Performance Workshops

· ILMEA District Fees: transportation and participation

· NAfME Fees: transportation and participation

· Sheet Music

· Tri-M Music Honor Society Dues

· Tri-M Music Honor Society Program Initiatives

· Contest Fees

Besides the students’ individual escrow accounts, a small portion of the profit (not more than 20% of the profit) from each fundraiser will be placed into a general program fund. Additionally, when a student graduates or otherwise leaves the program, he or she may “will” his/her escrow funds to another member of his/her own household currently enrolled in the program or anticipates enrolling in the program within the near future. All requests to “will” escrow funds must be submitted in writing prior to graduating or otherwise leaving the program. “Un-willed” escrow funds of graduates or those who otherwise leave the program will also be placed into the general program fund. The general program fund is allocated on a needs-basis for items such as the following:

· Fundraising Costs (shipping, fundraiser incentives, etc.)

· Uniforms

· Technology or other equipment

· Music Storage

· Other Storage

· Sheet Music

· Performance Costumes

· Performance Accessories

· Guest Performers (and associated costs including travel and food)

· Guest Presenters (and associated costs including travel and food)

· Classroom Supplies

· ILMEA Fees: membership, district, and state (including travel and food)

· NAfME Fees: membership and participation (including travel and food)

· Directors’ costs to attend program-related events in which student(s) participate such as the “National High School Music Theatre Awards”

· Concert/Performance Supplies

· Program Incentives

· Awards

· Volunteer Appreciation

· Reasonable chaperone expenses

· Scholarships

· Contest Fees

· Band Council Expenses (leadership materials, travel, and food)

· Cleaning Fees

· Tuning Expenses

Department Travel

Band members will receive opportunities to travel with the band for concerts and festivals to various local destinations. In addition, in certain years, the department will also participate in more major trips with more distant destinations. Trips such as these require major musical and fundraising commitments by students and the director. When on these trips, please remember that you are representing Belvidere North High School at all times.

Private Lessons

While I realize that many students’ schedules are very filled these days with athletic, academic, and work activities, I still want to encourage students to seek out private lessons. Nothing that I can do can substitute the learning that occurs from one-on-one instruction that a private teacher can provide. Please see me if you would like to know more information on this, or would like to be recommended to some of our local area musicians.


The attendance of each band member at all rehearsals and performances is absolutely essential for the success of the marching band and the entire band program. Unlike many other activities where a small number of individuals represent “The Team,” all students work together at all times to create the big picture in band. There is no bench.

With that said, it is expected that from time to time, students will have illnesses, or family emergencies that will interfere with attendance at band rehearsals of performances. Students are excused for these reasons provided that I am notified with either a telephone call to the bands office (815-547-3818) or with an email ( Please be diligent in letting me know. I will remind the student to have the parent contact me, but that is as far as I will go with it. It is the students and parents responsibility to contact me regarding absences.

Family vacations and other school activities will also occasionally take students out of rehearsals. While this is not an ideal situation, communication is the key. If Mr. Aska has been notified a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the rehearsal/event, he will look into granting excused vs. Non-excused. If a student does not follow the 2 week deadline for notification, the absence will become unexcused, without the ability to make up. Advance warning is the key to minimizing the impact on the full group’s activity. Students are always responsible for the material covered in a rehearsal that has been missed.

Regarding Jobs-

Many students in the band program have part time jobs. It is expected that students will communicate with their supervisor and work around the schedule of school activities. In most situations, job supervisors understand scheduling problems that relate to school activities when they hire a high school student. Communication about scheduled events will always be available through a calendar, and will always be available far in advance. On the rare occasion that this cannot occur, something will be worked out. JOB CONFLICTS ARE NOT CONSIDERED EXCUSED.

Regarding Sports/Clubs:

When sports practices or important club meetings conflict with band rehearsals, students should come to half of the band rehearsal, and half of the practice or meeting. If an athletic event or club event conflicts with a band rehearsal, that event should take precedence. However, band performances will always take precedence over sports practices and club meetings. When band performances and athletic or club events conflict, communication between you, me AND your coach or club sponsor is essential to work out a compromise. I am generally pretty flexible with conflicts as long as students aren’t always skipping their band responsibilities for other interests. The communication that should occur should occur a minimum of 2 weeks prior, or even earlier should I ask specifically about a time/date. It is not acceptable to notify either myself or your coach/sponsor less than a week prior to the conflict, and certainly not after the conflict. No one will be happy in that situation.

Notification should always be done through Email or voicemail, but email is preferred. This creates an electronic paper trail, and gives proof that you attempted to communicate with me.

Performance is what any performing art is about. Missed performances are experiences that cannot be made up. While there are other tests for students in music, a performance is an important examination of what is been learned, as well as a building block upon which other future performances can be built. Any marching or concert performance missed for reasons other than school activities, emergency, or illness will result in the student’s grade being lowered. If you do not communicate with me in advance for a school activity conflict and you miss the band performance, it is still the same in my eyes as skipping a performance. Your grade will be lowered. There will be no opportunity to make up points in unexcused situations.

Ensembles of Belvidere North High School

Wind Ensemble

Comprised mainly of members in grades 10-12, Wind Ensemble provides sophisticated instrumental experiences through the study and performance of difficult literature for winds and percussion. Due to the soloistic nature of many part assignments, there is a strong emphasis on individual practice and preparation for rehearsals and performances.

Symphonic Band

Comprised mainly of member’s grades 9-10, Symphonic Band performs standard-level repertoire for early high school level concert bands. Members are expected to advance their musicianship through regular practice and preparation for playing exams and chair placement auditions.

Percussion Techniques

The percussion ensembles are comprised of percussionists from Concert and Symphonic band. During marching season, the percussion ensembles rehearse together during 5 BC as the Marching Thunder Drumline. During concert season, the percussion ensembles rehearse separately. The percussion ensembles will perform with their respective bands during concert season, but will also perform individually on occasion as well. Because many parts cannot be practiced at home, IE: Timpani, Marimba, etc. Students are expected and encouraged to utilize the percussion instruments in the band room for practice during their free time before, during and after school.

Jazz Band

Comprised of student’s grades 9-12, the Jazz Band introduces students to the high school jazz experience. Students will explore a wide variety of music styles, including sing, rock funk, Latin and blues. Emphasis is placed on style, and with some work towards understanding and being proficient on melodic improvisation. The Jazz band will perform for many community and school events and benefit functions throughout the year. Due to the solositic nature of part assignments, there is a strong emphasis on individual practice and preparation for rehearsals and performances, especially for students who are not concurrently enrolled in another band ensemble.

Co-Curricular Ensembles within the BNHS Band Department

Marching Thunder

Comprised of members in grades 9-12 from Symphonic Band, Concert Band I and Concert Band II, the Marching Thunder is the most public of the BNHS band ensembles. Performances include all home football games, select playoff games, pep assemblies, multiple parades and possible community events.

Blue Thunder Pep Band

Comprised of members grades 9-12 from the Symphonic Band, Concert Band I and Concert Band II, the Blue Thunder Pep band is divided up equally into two different bands, the Red band and the Blue Band. We perform at between 8-10 home basketball games, both girls and boys. Because the band is divided, students are responsible for a total of 4-5 games.

Pit Orchestra

Comprised of select volunteer members of student’s grades 9-12, the pit orchestra performs with the cast of the BNHS Musical once per school year. Belvidere North shares the District 100 Performing Arts Center with Belvidere High School. This means in the rotation of spring vs. fall musicals, we will only have musicals on Odd Years. This year we will perform with the spring 2019 musical. Because of the extremely large volume of music and soloistic nature of the part assignments, there is a strong emphasis on individual practice and preparation for rehearsals and performances. Interested students should contact Mr. Aska as soon as the instrumentation of the musical pit is made known.

Illinois Music Education Association (ILMEA) District and All-State Ensembles

Students who are interested in auditioning for the District VIII honor and Jazz bands must prepare the required ILMEA audition etudes and other required materials. This is offered for students grades 9-12. All-State has now been made available to sophomores this year for the first time. All students are encouraged to try out for ILMEA district each year. The extra practice and effort required for the audition builds student musicianship and enthusiasm. Even if a student does not make the district band, it creates great strides in musicianship, and understanding of the audition process. Students are responsible for preparing the materials on their own time; however they are welcome to ask for assistance from Mr. Aska in the preparation process, and to potentially have a mock audition.

Student Leadership Roles:

Student leaders play a very important role in the band department. The student leadership team (band council) will consist of students who will be in charge of keeping our band program organized and efficient.

Drum Major:

Drum Majors are responsible for conducting and leading the Marching Thunder and the Blue Thunder Pep bands during the entire year. Because this is a yearlong position, those students graduating early will not be considered eligible. Two drum majors are chosen each year through competitive audition. Selected Drum Majors are required to attend a drum major camp over the summer.

Section Leaders:

These students are part of the band council, and are chosen through an application process. Their role primarily is complete during the first semester. Early graduates are eligible for these positions. Once the marching season is over, section leaders continue as the band council.

Student Leaders will help with:

1. Planning band fundraisers

2. Planning band/music department trips/activities

3. Keeping the band room/music department clean and organized.

4. Distributing band music (when necessary)

5. Maintaining an organized Music Library

6. Various other office tasks

7. Documenting band department activities (photos/Videos)

8. Taking accurate attendance at rehearsals and performances

9. Decorating the band and performing arts hallway bulletin boards

10. Helping Mr. Aska as needed

Student leaders apply at the end of each school year and are selected by Mr. Aska based on a variety of factors. Those factors include teacher recommendations, student recommendations, past history, leadership skills, dedication, responsibility, maturity, and musicianship.

Band Awards:

At the end of the year, the Belvidere North Band Department hosts a band awards banquet to recognize and celebrate the achievements of its students. This event is more commonly known as the band potluck. Students receive awards based on their seniority and level of involvement in the band program. In addition to these awards the following Senior Awards are given at this time.

John Phillip Sousa Award:

Introduced in 1955, this nationally recognized award is given to a senior who demonstrates superior musicianship and outstanding dedication to the band program. The recipient of this award will be chose by student vote and director discretion.

USMC Semper Fidelis Band Award

The U.S. Marine Corps, with the U.S. marine Youth Foundation and the Marine Corps League, offers the Semper Fidelis Award for music excellence each year to a graduating high school senior in recognition of diligence, dedication and music excellence as a performing high school bandsman and soloist.

The Directors Award

This award is given to a senior who demonstrates model citizenship within the band program. In addition to being a quality musician, this individual exemplifies respect, caring kindness and compassion. The recipient of this award is chosen by the director.

Louis Armstrong Jazz Award

This award was inaugurated in 1974 with the consent of the trumpeter Louis Armstrong’s widow shortly after this great jazz artist died in 1971. It honors a senior who demonstrates outstanding jazz musicianship and dedication to the jazz program. The recipient of this award will be chose by student vote and director discretion.

Belvidere North Band Office Contact Information:

Scott Aska

Director of Bands

Belvidere North High School

9393 Beloit Rd.

Belvidere, IL 61008

Band office phone- 815-547-3818



Student information

To be completed by the student

Student Name________________________________

Preferred Name (nickname) _____________________

Grade_____ Age______



Home Phone_________________________________

Cell Phone__________________________________

Primary Instrument____________________________

Additional Instruments_________________________

BNHS Ensembles_____________________________



Band goal for this year______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Information:

To be completed by the parent/guardian

Parent(s)/Guardians Name______________________________

Mailing Address______________________


Home Phone________________________

Cell phone____________________________

Email ________________________________

Emergency Contact name/phone___________


Do you want your contact information shared with the Music Boosters Yes____ No____

Parent Assistance Portion:


____ I would like to help by chaperoning a field trip this year

____ I would like to help with potluck or IHSA organizational contest this year if hosted

____ I would like to help with a fundraiser this year

____I would like to help in any way needed- Contact method? Call____ Email_____

Educational Tour and Field Trip Permission Form

In order to avoid having to repeatedly send home and collect field trip permission forms, please take the time now to read the following statement covering many of the field trips and/or activities listed on the 2018-2019 Band event calendar.

I understand my child’s participation in the band program requires my child to go on field trips and activities off the campus of Belvidere North High School during and sometimes outside of normal school hours. I also understand that my child may elect to participate in non-required field trip opportunities the band program provides. I give my child permission to participate in both required and non-required local field trip activities as listed on the 2018-2019 band calendar.

The Board of Education requires that written approval of a parent or guardian be given for a child to participate in a field trip. “Illinois State Law requires that each pupil participating in an educational tour shall have accident and health insurance protecting against bodily injury, disability, or death while participating in the tour.” The school district, by statue has no liability to provide for this insurance. By signing this consent form, you indicate either the fact that your child is presently covered with such insurance, or in the alternative, agree to hold harmless the school district from any such injury that might be received.

Please know that permission slips will still be required for certain field trips at the director’s discretion. Permission slip forms will be available for these trips in the band room and must be returned by the given deadline for a student to attend the field trip. Students who require alternate transportation for any field trip must fill out and return an Alternate Transportation Form prior to the given deadline. Students who do not submit either of these forms will not be permitted to attend the field trip.

Contract of Understanding and Agreement for the 2018-2019 Belvidere North High School Band Department Handbook

I understand and agree to abide by the information as stated in the 2018-2019 Belvidere North High School Band department handbook, including the band department grading, regulations and procedures an attendance policies.

Student Name (print) _________________________

Student Signature____________________________ Date_________

Parent Signature_____________________________ Date_________

Please return the previous (3) pages to Mr. Aska no later than Friday, August 19th, 2016

2018-2019 Band Department Calendar-

August 1-3, August 13-15 Journey Band Camp

8/17/18-Scrimmage Game

9/7/18- Football vs. BHS

9/8/18- NIU Band Day

9/26/18- Homecoming Parade

9/28/18- Football vs. Harlem (Homecoming)

10/5/18- Football vs. Guilford (8th Grade Night)

10/13-18- ILMEA Auditions @ Dekalb High School (optional) ILMEA Audition Materials

10/19/18- Football vs. East (Senior Night)

10/27/18- Mattress Fundraiser through the BNHS Music Boosters @ North

Marching Thunder in Concert Date TBD

5th Grade Fine Arts Festival- Jazz Band Performance Community Building During the school day

10/30/18-Halloween Parade

11/10/1- ILMEA District 8 Jazz Festival @Belvidere High School

11//18-Veterans Day Parade- Date and Time TBA

11/17/18-ILMEA District 8 Band/Orchestra Festival@ Dekalb H.S.

12/7/18-Hometown Christmas Parade- Time TBA

12/4/18-Winter Concert @D100 PAC Call Time Percussion 5:30, Winds @6:00, Concert Starts at 7.

12/11/18- RED Girls Varsity BB

12/19/18- BLUE Boys Varsity BB

1/5/19- RED & BLUE Varsity BB- Crosstown games

1/9/19- RED Boys Varsity BB

1/10/19- BLUE Girls Varsity BB

1//19-D100 Play-A-Thon @North Cafeteria

1/15/19- RED Varsity BB

1/17/19- BLUE Girls Varsity BB

1/23-26/19-All State Festival Peoria, IL

1/29/19- BLUE Boys Varsity BB

2/1/19- RED Girls Varsity BB

2/8/19- RED Boys Varsity BB

2/15/19- BLUE Boys Varsity BB

2/19/19-Progressions Concert@D100 PAC

2/20/18-5th Grade Preview Concert-Wind Ensemble and Percussion During School Day

3/2/19-IHSA Solo&Ensemble Contest-Location TBA

3/15-16/19- BNHS Production of "Peter Pan"

4/12-13/19-IHSA Organizational Contest- North Hosts Again

5/1/19-WEDNESDAY!!!!!!! Spring Concert@D100 PAC Percussion Call-5:30, Winds 6, Concert at 7

5//19- Drumline at Harlem for Special Olympics

5//19- BNHS Graduation@RVC- 2PM

5/-Last Student Attendance Day

Memorial Day Parade w/BHS Call Time 8:30 @North

Heritage Days Parade w/BHS- Details to Follow