Work Based Learning

Work-Based Learning (WBL) is an instructional strategy that connects student learning with workplace skills and competencies necessary for success after high school. By engaging with industry partners and ​​​​stakeholders, students are exposed to work-based learning experiences, which prepare them to make informed college and career choices and allow them to acquire necessary college-and-career-readiness skills.

Work Based Learning Experiences include:

  • Guest Speakers

  • Job Shadows

  • Workplace Tours

  • Informational Interviews

  • Service Learning

  • Mock Interviews

  • Student Internships

Work-Based Learning Promo.pdf

Student Benefits to Participation in Work-Based Learning:

  • Make direct connections between classroom learning and real world applications

  • Build personal ownership of learning by connecting hands-on experiences to individual career goals

  • Develop college- and career-ready (‘soft’) skills

  • Develop and practice positive work-related habits and attitudes

  • Increase motivation to stay in school, earn a high school diploma, and increase post-secondary options.

  • Develop and work toward achieving college and career goals during high school

  • Improve post-graduation employment opportunities

  • Secure part-time employment and financial support for post-secondary education

  • Establish professional contacts for future employment, mentoring and networking

Employer Benefits to Participation in Work-Based Learning:

  • Develop new projects and ideas with student assistance

  • Develop a pool of skilled and motivated potential future employees

  • Reduce training/recruitment costs

  • Improve employee motivation and retention

  • Increase interest in the company and industry

  • Demonstrate corporate social responsibility

  • Support and improve educational programs

Want to get involved? Contact the Work-Based Learning Coordinators in the College and Career Department.