International & National collaborations 

SHANGHAI Maritime University,  China,  obtaining the results published in the following papers:

King Saud University, Riyadh - Saudi Arabia,  obtaining the results published in the following papers:

Wuhan University of Technology, China working on the INTER-IoT project obtaining the results published in the following papers:

University of Derby, UK,  obtaining the results published in the following papers:

Dalian University of Technology - China,  obtaining the results published in the following papers:

Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, SPAIN  working on the INTER-IoT project obtaining the results published in the following papers:

Wuhan University of Technology, China working on the SmartPMS project obtaining the results published in the following papers:

Institut Mines Telecom, Telecom SudParis, France working on Social Networks obtaining the results published in the following paper:

University of Reggio Calabria -Italy, University of Bologna- Italy and INRIA - France working on the STEM-Net project obtaining the results published in the following main papers:

University of SURREY, UK, working on the European Union FP6 -MAESTRO project- obtaining the results published in the following papers: