My name is Tessa Bartlome and I am the Art Teacher


Dillon Middle School

I am so excited about teaching art and being in an inspiring, creative, and interactive environment.  It is my belief that art benefits intellectual, personal, and social development.  I will encourage all my students to create and respond to the visual arts by incorporating the latest technology and academic standards.  Students will be graded on effort, not talent.  So if they come to class ready to work with positive attitude they CAN do it!

I can be contacted by calling the school phone number at (406) 683-2368 Ext. 244 or via email at


Art Room Expectations

1. Always be on time and prepared for class-this includes attending to your personal needs before class.

2. Respect the classroom materials and the environment. 

3. Respect yourself, your work, and the work of others. 

4. Be a responsible worker, work quietly and cleanly. You are responsible for your work area and tools.

5. Always speak with good purpose.

6. Remember you are graded on effort-not talent.  So come to class with a positive attitude every day.


Sketches and Vocabulary-20 points (10 pts each)

Behavior/Classroom Expectations-10 points

Effort/Participation-10 points

Completed Work/Skill Development-60 points

Grades are updated every Thursday afternoon!

Check out the schools website