
Exams Calendar

  • First session: reservation from 20/12/2021 to 23/01/2022

    • DATE: January 28, 2022

    • TIME: 9:00

    • ROOM: Room 204/108, Marco Polo (we meet in 204 and then we split) - if you need to take the exam online, fill in the this form by Jan 26, 2022.

    • REGISTRATION (verbalizzazone): Results of the exam (including those of the final test) have been registered on INFOSTUD. Those who do not want to accept the mark are requested to write me an email by Tuesday Feb 8, 2022 night. It will be possible to see the exam in person Tuesday Feb 8, 2022 at 17:00 in Via Ariosto 25, room B215, if needed.

  • Second session: reservation from 28/01/2022 to 11/02/2022

    • DATE: February 16, 2022

    • TIME: 9:00

    • ROOM: Room 204/108, Marco Polo (we meet in 204 and then we split) - if you need to take the exam online, fill in this form by Feb 14, 2022.

    • REGISTRATION (verbalizzazone): Results of the exam have been registered on INFOSTUD. Those who do not want to accept the mark are requested to write me an email by Tuesday March 1, 2022 night. It will be possible to see the exam in person Tuesday March 1, 2022 at 17:00 in Via Ariosto 25, room B210, if needed.

  • Special session (appello straordinario): reservation from 25/02/2022 to 28/03/2022

    • DATE: April 2, 2022 (Saturday)

    • TIME: 9:00

    • ROOM: Online

    • REGISTRATION (verbalizzazione): Results of the exam have been registered on INFOSTUD. Those who do not want to accept the mark are requested to write me an email by Tuesday May 3, 2022 night. It will be possible to see the exam in person Tuesday May 3, 2022 at 17:00 in Via Ariosto 25, room B210, if needed.

    • Important: to take the exam in this session you need to formally conform to the following regulation (double check with administration if in doubt): "Gli appelli straordinari sono aperti solo agli studenti ripetenti, part-time, fuori corso o che abbiano completato comunque tutte le frequenze".

  • Third session: reservation from 16/05/2022 to 29/05/2022

    • DATE: June 1, 2022

    • TIME: 9:00

    • ROOM: 108 Marco Polo

    • REGISTRATION (verbalizzazone): Results of the exam have been registered on INFOSTUD. Those who do not want to accept the mark are requested to write me an email by Friday June 10, 2022 night. It will be possible to see the exam in person Friday June 10, 2022 at 13:00 in Via Ariosto 25, room B210, if needed.

  • Fourth session: reservation from 01/06/2022 to 29/06/2022

    • DATE: July 4, 2022

    • TIME: 9:00

    • ROOM: 108 Marco Polo

    • REGISTRATION (verbalizzazone): Results of the exam have been registered on INFOSTUD. Those who do not want to accept the mark are requested to write me an email by Thursday Sept 1, 2022 night. It will be possible to see the exam in person Thursday Sept 1, 2022 at 15:00 in Via Ariosto 25, room B210, if needed.

  • Fifth session: reservation from 04/07/2022 to 02/09/2022

    • DATE: September 5, 2022

    • TIME: 16:00

    • ROOM: 106 Marco Polo

    • REGISTRATION (verbalizzazone): Results of the exam have been registered on INFOSTUD. Those who do not want to accept the mark are requested to write me an email by Tuesday Oct 4, 2022 night. It will be possible to see the exam in person Tuesday Oct 4, 2022 at 17:00 in Via Ariosto 25, room B210, if needed.

  • Special session (appello straordinario): reservation from 03/10/2022 to 20/10/2022

    • DATE: October 24, 2022

    • TIME: 12:00

    • ROOM: A7 - Via Ariosto 25

    • REGISTRATION (verbalizzazione): Results of the exam have been registered on INFOSTUD. Those who do not want to accept the mark are requested to write me an email by Thuesday Nov 3, 2022 night. It will be possible to see the exam in person Thursday Nov 3, 2022 at 17:00 in Via Ariosto 25, room B213, if needed (please contact the instructor by email first).