Contact Me and Email Policy

You can visit my my web-page or get my contact details as follows:

Giuseppe De Giacomo

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale

Via Aristo 25,

00185 Roma, Italy

Office B210, Level 2

email: degiacomo at diag dot uniroma1 dot it

The main way to talk with me is after lectures or during my office hours in my office.

E-mail response policy: Please use e-mail only when other forms of communication are not available or for personal issues that cannot be discussed widely on the forum. Please do not be surprised if I do not respond to your email. In particular, I will not respond by e-mail to any technical question on the course, such as questions about lecture material, tutorials, or assignments. For these purposes, I ask you to post your questions to the discussion forum so that all fellow students can take advantage of the question and answer. To benefit from others, then, please ensure that you regularly check the course website and attend lectures. You can also speak to me before/after classes and during office hours.