Virtual Woodland Classrooms

While we may not be with you in-person this year, we are still here for you! Whether you are learning at school or home, we have created a Virtual Woodland Classroom to access Douglas-Hart's SEED Curriculum and more! Each SEED video will have its own Google Slides to access the Virtual Woodland Classroom that includes access to the corresponding video, journal prompts, and additional supplemental activities that need little to no supplies! We are also encouraging students to submit their journal entries online. Teachers - you will be able to download the Google Slides and upload them to your own Virtual Classroom for students to complete. When sharing the links or document with your students, remind them to put the slides in 'Present' mode to enjoy the interactive features of the classrooms.


Based on Second Step Curriculum


Be You and Unique Animals

Don't be someone you are not. Be You! What makes you - you? Stand out from others with your personality!


Be Safe and Various Animals

Check out tips from animals on how to be safe at school and in your community. Don't forget the rules!


Be Respectful & Primates

Primates are very respectful to others around them, especially their elders. Check out how to be respectful.


Be Responsible and Ants

We all have responsibilities: homework, laundry, and more. Learn about an ant's responsibilities.


Listening and Owls

Here are some tips to help you listen and focus your attention to others around you.


Focusing Attention and Doug from the UP

Do you ever find your mind and attention wandering? Here are some tips and tricks to focus your attention.


Self Talk and Canine Dogs

Sometimes you need to give yourself a little pep talk or self talk. Maybe about your feelings or other things.


Being Assertive and Territorial Animals

There is a difference between assertive and aggressive. Assertive is when you stand up for yourself.


Empathy and Elephants

Elephants are very empathetic animals, meaning they try to understand from other's perspective.

SEED #10

Identifying Feelings and Various Animals

You can't figure out what's going on unless you stop and identify the feelings you are having.

SEED #11

Same and Different Feelings & Animals

You don't always have to feel the same as others but you should always try to understand them.

SEED #12

Compassion and Misunderstood Animals

Several animals are quick to be judged, like opossums. Learn to show compassion towards others.

SEED #13

Feelings In My Body and Chameleons

Sometimes we keep our feelings bottled up and sometimes our face says it all.

SEED #14

Stop and Name Our Feelings and Dolphins

Sometimes we have so many emotions. Be sure to stop and name your feelings to help sort them out.

SEED #15

Calming Down and Oceans

Everyone gets frustrated, but you need to find tips to help you calm down. Do you find ocean waves relaxing?

SEED #16

Managing Learning Difficulties

Learning can be easy or difficult for you. Let's take a look at managing learning difficulties.

SEED #17

S: Say the Problem and Pigs

Before you can figure out a solution to the problem, take a moment to say the problem.

SEED #18

T: Think of Solutions and Crows

Crows are very intelligent creatures and great problem solvers! They may think of more than one solution.

SEED #19

E: Explore Consequences and Hummingbirds

Follow a hummingbird and the decisions he must make. Before deciding he thinks about the consequences.

SEED #20

P: Pick the Best Solutions and the Western Fence Lizard

Everyone is faced with difficult decisions to make so practice making the best solutions.

SEED #21

Inviting to Play and Dogs

Making friends can be hard. Here are some tips on how to invite someone to play. Dogs do it all the time, they make friends wherever they go

SEED #22

Playing Fairly and Mutualistic Relationships/Symbiosis

Learn about playing fairly while learning about mutualistic relationships & symbiosis.

SEED #23

Making Amends and Elephants

Elephants exhibit a great amount of empathy and even show signs of making amends!

SEED #24

Name Calling and Raccoons

Raccoons are subject to many nicknames but do you know the difference between nicknames and name calling?

SEED #25

Bullying and Chickadees

Chickadees follow a hierarchy or a "pecking order." How does that compare to bullying?

SEED #26

Stand Tall with SEED tree

How do you handle negative thoughts, bullying, and name-calling? Try emp

SEED #27

Social Distancing and Various Animals

Social distancing is new and confusing for little ones (okay, adults too). What animals practice social distancing?


Based on Leader in Me Curriculum

New Content

*Coming Soon*



SEED Storytime #1

I'm Bored by Michael Ian Black

Everyone gets bored. Kids. Adults. So how do you handle boredom? Check out how creative one little girl gets.

Every year we add new videos, so always check back for more!

Want a social-emotional topic covered that we don't have?

Don't forget you can access all the videos for FREE on our YouTube Channel!