Social-Emotional Environmental Education Discovery

What is SEED?

SEED was created in 2018 by a team of educators at a Nature Center in east central Illinois. Our primary goal of environmental education is to give children experience in nature and teach them about the world around them through environmental education. Our team found a way to combine a school's social-emotional curriculum with environmental education. This curriculum includes a series of videos that connects social-emotional curriculum with animals and nature, and at the end of each video, there are journal prompts. These videos are published on YouTube and are FREE for anyone to use! You can watch them in any order, but don't forget journals for your kiddos!

Visit Our*NEW* Virtual Woodland Classroom

While we may not be with you in-person this year, we are still here for you! Whether you are learning at school or home, we have created a Virtual Woodland Classroom to access Douglas-Hart's SEED Curriculum and more! Each SEED video will have its own Google Slides to access the Virtual Woodland Classroom that includes access to the corresponding video, journal prompts, and additional supplemental activities that need little to no supplies! We are also encouraging students to submit their journal entries online. Teachers - you will be able to download the Google Slides and upload them to your own Virtual Classroom for students to complete.

SEED's History

How have we used SEED locally? Our local schools use SEED as a supplement to their social-emotional time each week. They watch the videos (usually around 5 minutes) and journal. Younger students may draw their journal prompts, while older will write out their thoughts. The nature center then got to visit the schools several times each year to conduct education programs that are science and environmental education focused, but still includes social-emotional learning! Plus, the classes then got to visit the nature center on field trips! It's a win-win!

Thank you for supporting the Douglas-Hart Foundation.

Douglas-Hart Nature Center

2204 Dewitt Ave. E.

Mattoon, IL, 61938


Have questions about SEED? Email