Rod Halvorson - M

Campaign Website / Social Media:


I would appreciate your vote to become a Bernie delegate to the DNConvention. In 2015, I became very active with Bernie’s campaign for President & stayed extremely involved between campaigns with Our Revolution St Paul (Co-founder) and Our Revolution MN (Board member & 2019 Chair) & jumped back in again on the 2019-20 campaign. I dedicated hundreds & hundreds of volunteer hours (Iowa & MN) and made over 50 contributions to the 2 presidential campaigns. In 2016, I had the honor to become a leader in the caucus/convention process as the Chair of Bernie’s State Convention sub-caucus & as the Co-Chair of Bernie’s national delegation at the DNC in Philadelphia. This experience could be very helpful in a nomination fight if circumstances change! I am very dedicated to both Bernie, the candidate, and his progressive policy agenda. I believe in his goals for America & I will continue to fight for his agenda at the State & National convention. For me, this agenda is the road map to defeating the #OrangeBuffoon that currently occupies the White House. Our families, state, country and the world needs all our efforts to defeat the worst President in American history!