
Main typeface: Montserrat

Devoteam’s font is Montserrat. Any sub-heading or caption uses bold. Body copy should be in the light typeface, however where legibility is an issue in small formats, you can use regular as an alternative. For highlights, you can use medium or bold.

The tagline can be used in light or bold. Light at large sizes, and bold at small sizes. The tagline should sign-off the communication so is typically placed at the end of the copy.

Benchmark should be discontinued.

Text should be placed carefully.

It needs to be given enough space around it to give it prominence.

The leading and tracking of type is an important part of keeping the brand fresh and elegant. Follow the sizing principles above and adjust accordingly for alternative proportions.

Substitute font

In instances where Montserrat is not available and you require a Microsoft Office-based font, Calibri should be used.

Be careful: follow the rules!