Back to School: Pros and Cons

by Melanie Quintana-Reyna, Staff Writer

With more and more vaccinations being administered each and every day, talk of going back to school has arised. It seems that many districts are jumping at the possibility of returning to the classroom, but is it really in best interest for students, staff, and families? There are plenty of pros, of course. One would be that school online has proven to be incredibly difficult for kids and going back could alleviate that stress. Even though we're about a year into distance learning, it has not gotten any easier and students are struggling, some more than ever. This brings me to the topic of social interaction. Students need it. Eight plus hours of online school without the social component and zero face time with friends is isolating and exhausting. Many of us have been relying on social media, calling, texting or any other digital means of communication but it’s becoming old and just doesn’t compare. A lot of us require that structure of being in a classroom with our peers. But is it worth the safety risk? Despite vaccinations, COVID-19 is still an active pandemic and it will be a long time before there is even a small sense of normalcy again, especially in our schools. Going back to school would mean increased risk of being infected with the virus. Faculty and familial health should be top priority. Even with the proper safety and sanitation measures taken there is no telling how good of an idea it would be to go back right now. It’s unfortunate but going back would actually be worse for some. Besides higher transmission rates, plummeting grades are a big worry for many. While I’m sure students wouldn’t easily admit it to their teachers, cheating has been pretty common this school year. So if we were to go back right now, they would lose their “resources” and grades would drop. It is very complicated and will continue to be. While going back to class right now is in the works coming back for the 2021-2022 school year may be within reach. Here’s to hoping so long as it is safe.