

Two way immersion is a unique language learning experience. Spanish and English are used for instruction. Two-Way Dual Language Immersion model enrolls students with backgrounds in both languages and giving them the opportunity to help each other learn. Spanish speakers help non-Spanish speaking students learn Spanish while English speakers help other students learn English. Both groups becoming fully functioning in both languages.

The Dual Language Immersion program is set up to serve as a bilingual education model with about 50% of the students native/heritage speakers of each language (Spanish and English).

The method of instruction is the 90:10 model of Two-Way Immersion in which the majority of the school curriculum is taught in a second language. Students in kindergarten will receive 90% of their daily instruction in Spanish and 10% in English. Each year, students will receive more instruction in English as the percentage of Spanish instruction time begins to decrease. This means that in Second Grade it is 70:30, Third Grade is 60:40, Fourth Grade is 50:50 and from Fifth to high school, students will receive 50% of their daily instruction in Spanish and 50% in English.