Ramon Magsaysay Cubao High School (RMCHS) is an institution shaped by changes, trials and commitment to provide quality education. Its five-decade journey led RMCHS to what it is now – a great school.

Starting out ....

      In the 1950s, the need to expand Quezon City High School was felt due to the continuously increasing demand for public high schools. This paved the way to the establishment of six annexes. Cubao High School was one of these annex schools.The school was located at Epifanio Delos Santos Avenue (EDSA), near Cubao Elementary School.

     Like any school that was still starting out, this annex school had to find its place in the academe. The school had to do this literally when it transferred from one location to another. From EDSA, the school was moved again to a building at the corner of Aurora Blvd. This happened in the school year 1958-1959. 

     It was also in the same school year when the annex school became an independent school, named asCubao High School. Mrs. Fanny S. Enriquez was the school’s first principal. One year after, the school was relocated to another rented building at New Orleans Street.

Showing signs of growth .....

    The ‘60s was an era of fast growth for the school. Between the year 1961 and 1968, three annex schools of Cubao High School were established. These were Murphy Annex, Hillcrest Annex and Ponciano Bernardo Annex. When they became independent schools, they were named Juan Sumulong High School, Carlos P. Garcia High School and Ponciano Bernardo High School, respectively.

    Cubao High School also showed signs of growth in terms of the kind of education it provides. In the school year 1962-1963, it opened its doors to people who can only study on evenings. The school offered evening classes, a program that provided working and older people an opportunity to finish high school.

 Getting its own name......

     Cubao High School was renamed in memory of President Ramon Magsaysay on March 17, 1965  – a momentous event in the history of the school. This is the same day the President died in a plane crash in the year 1957. Through a formal ceremony, the school was officially named Ramon Magsaysay (Cubao) High School for it to be distinguished from the other Ramon Magsaysay High School in Manila. The event was graced by well-known personalities led by Mrs. Luz Banzon-Magsaysay, former First Lady and widow of the late President Magsaysay.

Moving to a permanent location...

     The end of the 60's gave light to the long-awaited permanent location for the school. There was a huge increase in enrollment in school year 1968-1969. Because of this, the school had to move to another location. The first and second year classes occupied the vacated rooms at the old City Hall building. RMCHS was permanently relocated to the City Hall building in 1972. At that time, Mrs. Trinidad Estrada was assigned as principal. She was succeeded by the hardworking Ms. Aurora B. Taguba in November that same year. In 1974, Mrs. Lumen G. Velasco took over as the principal.

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Continuing progress...

RMCHS continued to progress in the ‘70s.Evidences of development included converting former city hall offices to classrooms and centers, building of department offices and expanding the canteen and the library. Other major changes were the establishment of the Faculty Cooperative Store and the construction of an outdoor stage at the Physical Education grounds along EDSA.

Alongside the developments on the school’s structure were program enhancements. In 1977, RMCHS started to offer summer classes to students who need additional help in some subjects. 

 Facing a burning challenge 

On March 15, 1981, a huge fire burned down the whole main building. This was a big challenge that the school faced headstrong. The school rented the Raval building so that classes would not be interrupted by inconvenient dislocation or dispersal.

A new building was constructed one year after the fire incident. This additional school building was inaugurated on September 8, 1982. This was done complete with mass media coverage and in the presence of distinguished personalities, led by then First Lady and Metro Manila Governor Imelda Romualdez-Marcos. With the aim to build social consciousness among its students, RMCHS also launched its Kabataan Kontra Kahirapan (KKK) project on this major event.

Moving forward

Unquestionably, the relentless efforts of its previous and present principals make the school home to thousands of students who have given serious and careful thought of striving for nothing but excellence.

Ms. Socorro Delos Santos led the school in sustaining its priorities of pushing for advancement in education despite hardships and hindrances. As a result, students continued to bring pride to their Alma Mater.

During the administration of Ms. Felicidad Gutierrez, more honor and achievements added color and meaning to the days spent in school by the administrative staff, faculty and other school workers, students and other stakeholders. 

Mrs. Norma O. Mapanao served as the next principal. The transfer of administrative seat did not change the good tides. Her tenure was as fruitful as that of her predecessors. More and more people came to recognize what the school can offer and how it can affect lives, specifically those of the students.

When Mrs. Mapanao passed away before her retirement, Dr. Gil T. Magbanua took over. His leadership strengthened the school. The transformations the school has gone through proved to have stimulated both faculty and studentry to keep the school’s glory as bright as ever. His administration marked the beginning of giving due recognition to two sets of outstanding students from the Basic Education Curriculum and Engineering and Science Education Program. 

In 2006, Mrs. Sheridan Evangelista started her term. Although her stay as the principal is the shortest, she escalated the stature of the school when it ranked 5th in the National Achievement Test. 

After Mrs. Evangelista,Dr. Jossefina T. Perlado  assumed principalship in 2007. Her motherly approach endeared her to students. Her administration gave birth to the inclusion of the Special Education catering to students who are physically and mentally challenged. 

Dr. Perlado’s retirement brought Dr. Romulo B. Rocena to RMCHS. His achievement orientation and servant-leadership style has influenced the teachers, non-teaching personnel, and other stakeholders to work together towards  the school’s vision to be a great high school. He consistently campaigned for all students to succeed and for all teachers to be caring mentors. More interventions on curriculum, students and staff development are initiated. School-community partnerships are strengthened through the creation of a School Governing Council. The school’s ancillary services and physical facilities are improved. And most importantly, the annual search for most outstanding teachers made a significant impact on the improvement of the school performance in SY 2012-2013.

Dr. Perlado’s retirement brought to Dr. Romulo B. Rocena to RMCHS. His achievement orientation and servant-leadership style has influenced the teachers, non-teaching personnel, and other stakeholders  to work towards the school’s vision to be a great school. School-community partnerships are strengthened through the creation of School Governing Council. In 2013, Dr. Luis T. Tagayun started his term as the school’s principal . He consistently campaigned for all students to succeed and for all teachers to be caring mentors. In 2017, Dr. Levita U. Ramos started her term. School-community partnerships continued during her term. When Dr. Ramos passed away last year, Dr. Eladio H. Escolano took over.

Envisioning Greatness & Excellence

Dr. Eladio H. Escolano is our current principal. He believes that discipline is an important key to success. He is known for his servant-leadership style and as a hands-on leader. The school’s ancillary services and physical facilities are improved. For the past decades, Ramon Magsaysay Cubao High School remains triumphant in its journey. Challenges still come along the way, but the institution strives to surpass all of them. RMCHS is proof that an institution’s ability to cope with changes while staying committed to excellence largely determines its ability to become great.