About us

Ramon Magsaysay (Cubao) High School is a high performing learning institution that adheres to the ideals of producing Senior High School graduates who are well-equipped with the basic learning skills and 21st century learners that will make them functionally literate and globally competitive citizens. Its governance is anchored on BESRA (Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda) which is a package of policy  reforms pursued by the Department of Education (DepEd) to improve the quality of education to attain the EFA ( Education for All) goals. In addition, is the Magna Carta that encases principles and by-laws  for the government employees. All these and other related program have been the guiding framework  of RMCHS governance that shapes the school rules and regulations such as in the Student Handbook which explicitly stipulates guidelines, procedures and school policies.

RMCHS Hymn.mp4

Ramon Magsaysay (Cubao) High School Hymn...

A glimpse of RMCHS...