Parents-Teachers Association (PTA)

Legal Bases of Parents-Teachers Association (PTA)

Parents-Teachers Association (PTA) is a mechanism for effecting the role of parents (who would otherwise be viewed as outsiders) as an indispensable element of educational communities. Rather than being totally independent of or removed from schools, a parent-teacher association is more aptly considered an adjunct of an educational community having a particular school as its locus. It is an “arm” of the school. Given this view, the importance of regulation vis-a-vis investiture of official status becomes manifest. According a parent-teacher association official status not only enables it to avail itself of benefits and privileges but also establishes upon it its solemn duty as a pillar of the educational system.

General PTA Oath of Office

I, _________________(Name)______________, of ____________(Address)_________, having been elected as ________________(Position)­­­­__________, do hereby solemnly swear that I will faithfully discharge, to the best of my ability, the duties of my present position; that I have read and clearly understood, and I will abide by, the guidelines governing the Parents-Teachers Association and such issuances by the Department of Education; that I will obey all legal orders promulgated by duly constituted authorities; and that I impose this obligation upon my self voluntarily, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion.

So help me God.

PTA Activities