The National Educators Academy of the Philippines at the Region (NEAP-R) is tasked to ensure that the region has competent personnel through the development and implementation of strategic HRD plans and programs, localizing HRD systems including the delivery of quality and sustainable HRD services, with the following specific functions:

  1. Manage the operations of the NEAP in the region (Professional Programs Development, Professional Programs Management, and Quality Assurance)

  2. Develop and manage needs-based professional development programs and material resources for region and schools division staff including training of trainers

  3. Utilize assessment and evaluation results of HRD programs, projects and activities towards their improvement and/or recommend actions for management decision

  4. Manage the scholarship program of and for the region

  5. Provide technical assistance and mobilize resources for the operations of the T&D System in the schools divisions

  6. Link with the Regional CHED and education institutions for the development and recognition of NEAP-R training programs for credit units at the graduate level or for specialization/certificate/degree programs

  7. Adopt NEAP standards for Training and Development, accreditation of programs /service providers, and trainers assessment

  8. Monitor and evaluate the Schools Divisions’ compliance to T&D System standards and the NEAP-R’s performance

  9. Manage the Training and Development Information System (TDIS),a component of the HRMIS, in support to the provision of quality professional development programs.


The project dubbed as NEAP PD iHub, is an internet based professional development learning repository in the context of DepED CAR. The project name encompasses the provision of NEAP coordinated activity PD resources. The "i" covers the concept of utilizing the Internet as well as the imperative contribution of the person or the “i” towards professional development. The word “hub” adapts the evolved definition that denotes a a technology-rich learning environment with both physical and virtual components that provide formal and informal opportunities for learners to come together with peers, teachers, and other experts in their field. It shall serve as a quick reference for PD related issuances, links and repository of Training Resource Packages (TRPs) containing slide decks, audio and video materials, among others.

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