ict response portal

Welcome to the deped-bislig ICT Support Services.

If you need assistance on technical or IT-related concerns,
please submit your request to us by filling out the details for a support ticket.

An ICT Support staff will handle your concern/s and will reach out to you as soon
as possible. Please expect action/response within these office/business hours:
from 8am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays (except Holidays).

Before creating your ticket, kindly check our knowledgebase section. You will find solutions to most of your queries.  

Kindly provide as much detail as possible. To update a previously submitted ticket, please login. 

View the archive and history of your current and past support requests complete with responses. 


Welcome to the DepEd Bislig ICT Support Services.

Please be informed that all inquiries and requests for DepEd Mail account creation, password reset, and 2-step verification assistance must be referred to your School ICT Coordinators

For new gmail accounts: you can only send but receiving is blocked by the server until the Microsoft 365 account (forwarder) is activated

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