Name of Proponent:         MARIA LUISA S. POSADAS

Project Title:                            Tulong Pangkabuhayan sa sa Pamayanan Project

Date of Proposal:               September 07, 2021

Project Time-frame: 

September 7-30, 2021

Proposed Venue: 

Google meet

Many families in Barangay Guelew were hit hard by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Establishment were stopped for a while to stem the spread of the disease. Many were became jobless. They lost their livelihoods and fallen into deep poverty. This could have a devastating effect to those who rely mostly on daily wage for living.

With this, The Guelew IS conducted a livelihood training program entitled: Tulong Pangkabuhayan sa Pamayanan Project to help the less fortunate build economic resilience through sustainable livelihood interventions.

The training encourages them to use the available resources in the community. During pandemic, household with food production livelihoods were able to feed their own family as well as supply the community with food, when the local markets were shut. The

Training includes; how to make native delicacy: Biko, Basic Food processing: Atsara,

and chili garlic oil. It was set on Sept 21-22,2021. The participants were parents and teachers of the learners of Guelew IS.

       The project coordinators were able to monitor and help the households through the use of text messages and phone calls, giving them health and safety information and continued

guidance in their livelihood projects.    With the above mentioned statement, the proponent felt the need to condiuct livelihood training to the parents and teachers of GIS learners. Thus, Tulong Pangkabuhayan sa Pamayanan Project was conceived.

Name of Proponent:         JANICE B. CRUZ

Project Title:                            Silid Aralan sa Bawat Tahanan Project

Date of Proposal:               September 01, 2021

Project Time-frame: 

School Year 2021-2022

Proposed Venue: 

Guelew Integrated School

       Education happens everywhere. It is not confined in the four walls of the classroom. This was made possible through the collaborative effort, dedication and perseverance of the school personnel, the parents, LGU and concerned stakeholders. This was proven in the recently implemented distance learning delivery modality during the school year 2020-2021.

The parent’s participation, contribution and support in the programs, projects and activities which are conceived to be beneficial for their children made it easier for Guelew Integrated School teachers and personnel to achieve its desired goals and objectives in bringing education and learning remotely.

        Teachers always monitored the learner’s activities at home through different methods, appropriate to the learners’ available resources such as phone calls, text messages, group chat, video call and other social media platforms. Through this monitoring and assessment activities, the teachers were able to perceive how well the learners are performing and accomplishing their school tasks and activities while at home. Teachers provide feedbacks to enhance learner’s study habits and skills, as well as performance. With the learning space in their homes, learners feel the atmosphere of being in the classroom while accomplishing the assigned tasks, answering the modules, undertaking physical activities and performances. 

Name of Proponent:        ROMA P. GUNDAYAO

Project Title:                            Project LitMap

Date of Proposal:               August 01, 2022

Project Time-frame: 

August 01-12, 2022

Proposed Venue: 

Guelew, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Alternative Learning System (ALS) is intended for out-of-school youth and adults who are 16 years old or older and beyond basic school age that need basic literacy skills particularly in reading, writing and simple computation.   

        Literacy Mapping is a process that aims to gather data on the number of out of school youth and adults in the community who have not completed 12 years of basic education. It is an opportunity to know the community and to gauge how many illiterate people in the barangay.

  Project LitMap (Literacy Mapping) was undertaken to identify and assess the ability in writing, reading and perform simple fundamental operations of potential ALS enrollee to provide proper guidance and support to gain interest in pursuing studies through Alternative Learning System (ALS) Program.

  Gulayan sa Tahanan program was also disseminated among potential ALS enrollees where its main goal is to improve and increase the production of fruits and vegetables by encouraging the learners to grow their own food within the vicinity of their homes.

 With the abovementioned statement, the proponent felt the need to conduct Literacy Mapping among out of school youth and adults to encourage them to go back to school that could help increase enrollees of ALS learners.

Name of Proponent:        LUALHATI M. POSADAS

Project Title:                            Dish Indigenous Gardening (DIG)

Date of Proposal:               August 27, 2021

Project Time-frame: 

August 27 - September 31, 2021

Proposed Venue: 

Guelew Integrated School

The pandemic has changed our lifestyles to a great extent. From spending most of our time outside the house to shifting to the inner sanctums of our home, we have witnessed a drastic change. Indeed, Negative effect on mental health is a sudden rise in cases of depression that has led to traumas, frustrations, loneliness, boredom and anxiety for many individuals including our learners . The school has been a basic foundation of skills. Through collaboration with the school heads, A project DIG which refers to Dish Indigenous Garden is proposed. In this particular project, High School learners are trained skills on how to manage planting using limited space. Thus, Dish Garden is the best project to entrust to the learners. Dish Garden is a pleasing arrangement of several different plants in a single container. The container can be almost any shape or size and may be made of most any material. Dish gardens are especially valuable because they can be easily placed at various vantage points throughout our home. The project aims to input the beneficiaries with skills and knowledge of dish gardening, provide hands-on learning for distressing and monitor its continuity practice. Though it is such a challenging scenario, a garden in dish can bring recreational, mental and physical, economic and environmental benefits and at the same time it also helps boost learners mood and focuses on the positive perception of life. Ultimately, no matter how space you have, growing plants is a great way to care for mental and physical health during quarantine. 

Name of Proponent:         JIOFRE A. OCUMEN AND JOHN JOHN M. CARINO

Project Title:                            Vitamins Mo, Sagot Ko Project

Date of Proposal:               August 5, 2021

Project Time-frame: 

August 5 - September 30, 2021

Proposed Venue: 

This pandemic, health supplements like vitamins, are essential to boost our immune system and help fight the deadly COVID-19 virus. Considering the health our learners, Guelew Integrated School thought of a project dubbed as “Vitamins Mo, Sagot Ko!”  Seeking help from the generous stakeholders of the school,  GIS was  able to give out vitamins , alcohol, and face shields to the learners. 

Name of Proponent:         SHAIRA T. ROSARIO

Project Title:                       Project PART (Parents as Para-Teachers)

Date of Proposal:               August 26-27, 2021

Project Time-frame: 2 days Proposed Venue: Google meet

The role of parents is very important, especially in the aftermath of the pandemic, which altered all of our habits and norms. From face-to-face classes, we have undergone a sudden shift in education wherein distance learning has become the new normal, specifically modular distance learning. This gave teachers limited contact with their students, which turned out to be one of the biggest challenges we are facing and continue to find a solution for, because, as DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones stated, "Learning must continue." As a result of this challenge, teachers needed the solidarity and support of parents more than ever before because they play one of the most important roles in today's pandemic.


Furthermore, parents play an important role as learning facilitators and para-teachers, providing learners with instructional support as needed in the absence of a classroom teacher. As their children's first teachers, parents are also the most important factors in their prior life achievements. When parents and children collaborate on educational activities, their attachment grows because they can spend more time together. In such cases, parents can become a source of comfort by easing their children's pain and worry, as well as engaging in conversations with their children to help alleviate their anxiety. It has been suggested that parents be taught how to provide emotional support to their children during times of uncertainty (Wang, Zhang, Zhao, Zhang, & Jiang, 2020).

Moreover, parents are vital in their child's overall development and education. Aside from meeting their children's basic needs and educating them, parents nurture them by providing love, attention, support, and fundamental understanding. Similarly, they serve as a child's primary and continuing educator prior to formal schooling and continue to be an important influence in their children's learning in school and beyond. As a result, parents and families are regarded as educational partners and supporters of their child's education.


Given these reasons, as well as the various studies and research cited, the proponent proposed this project because she believes that it is only right that each parent should know their duties as a para-teacher. The Project PART, or Parents as Para-Teachers was formed so that parents can better understand their vital role in the academic growth and development of their children. Likewise, it aims to answer various questions on how they can play their roles in a way that will greatly benefit their children. This project will not only provide clarity about their roles as a para-teacher but will also provide a clearer perspective when it comes to teaching their children.

Name of Proponent:         MILOU C. MERCADO AND ARLENE P. DATUIN

Project Title:                            School Supplies Mo, Sagot Ko Project

Date of Proposal:               August 5, 2021

Project Time-frame: 

August 5 - September 2021

Proposed Venue: 

Brgy. Guelew

Basic needs like pencils, pens, paper, and textbooks help learners engage in lessons, as they gain knowledge, they can bring back to their community to improve overall welfare. It aids school performance, helping children to overcome instability and identify as learners. Having equipped for the module days also helps them feel confident in their ability to function in the classroom. If you were to donate school essentials such as folders and pencils, learners could more easily turn their focus to learning. According to study, student self-esteem improved when students had the school supplies, they needed. If preparation is the key to success, having critical classroom tools can make the all the difference. Many cases of learners lacking success in their studies have to do with students’ level of preparedness. Having something as simple as writing utensils and paper are things that can determine the progress and achievement of the student. School supplies impact the success of the student in ways that most people fail to recognize. In fact, many students are never truly prepared for the day because they come to class lacking supplies, thus leading to a difficult time learning. That said, school supplies play a very important role in education and how students grow and develop, as we discuss below. With the abovementioned statement, the proponent felt the need of partnering with potential sponsors who will provide school supplies to the GIS learners. Thus, School Supplies Mo, Sagot Ko project was conceived. 

Name of Proponent:        GILBERT S. BAYSIC AND ARLENE P. DATUIN

Project Title:                            Project Bloom

Date of Proposal:               July 28, 2021

Project Time-frame: 

August 02 - September 30, 2021

Proposed Venue: 

Brgy. Guelew

Flowers' importance in nature is everywhere—they provide natural medicines for humans and some animals; and they can feed insects, birds, animals and humans. Without flowers, plants would merely be green, and the world would be a duller place. This time of pandemic brought emotional negativities in most people and flowers give a feeling of happiness and it gives positive energy. Through this positive energy the chances of suffering from stress-related depression are decreased. Positive emotions help put life events in a broader perspective and so lessen the negative effects that may result from negative emotions. Positive emotions such as gratitude, hope, empathy, joy, love, pride, calmness, surprise and awe can all be associated with flowers. The Deped released the UA MEMO 00-0521-0171 – Back to School: Let a Million Flowers Bloom Project. This id to prepare the school for its upcoming opening. Flowers will also give positive vibes and hope to the community in times of pandemic. The proponent tapped the parents in preparing the school by cleaning the campus and planting ornamentals. Bougainvillea, zinnia, vietnam rose, gumamela, sunflower, are just some of the flowering plants that are planned to be included in the roosters of ornamentals. 

Name of Proponent:       ARLENE P. DATUIN

Project Title:                            Project HELP

Date of Proposal:               August 01, 2021

Project Time-frame: 

August 01-12, 2021

Proposed Venue: 

Guelew, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

One of the most important educational outcomes of the primary education is to learn how to read. It is a fundamental ability to children’s learning including the development of their literacy skill. According to Diamond (2006), an effective reading program develops reading competence in all learners and is based on proven practices. On the other hand, “It takes a village to educate a man” as what the popular adage say. This is true especially in this time of pandemic. This is why the proponent sought the help of potential partners in heightening the reading skill of the struggling readers of Guelew Integrated School. To ensure that learning specifically reading will take place, only trained volunteers were requested to assist in this innovation. The reading materials were provided as well as the schedule and matrix to follow. The said activity started on August 2, 2021 and ended on September 30, 2021. 

Name of Proponent:         MILOU C. MERCADO AND ARLENE P. DATUIN

Project Title:                            School Supplies Mo, Sagot Ko Project

Date of Proposal:               August 5, 2021

Project Time-frame: 

August 5 - September 2021

Proposed Venue: 

Brgy. Guelew

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. As children return to school, to protect their families, cope with the challenges, help their children reintegrate back into the classroom and grow as parents with their families and communities they need assistance. It is in this premise that Guelew Integrated School thought of coming up with a seminar that will assist both teachers and learners be aware of mental health as well as the psychosocial support they need. As stipulated in DepEd Order 14 s. 2020, the Department places priority on the protection and promotion of the mental health and general welfare of all teachers and learners. With these in mind there is an imminent need for Guelew Integrated todesign and plan to conduct a seminar for teachers and parents entitled Mental Awareness and psychosocial support for teachers and learners 

Name of Proponent:       JOHN V. GARCIA

Project Title:                            Load Mo, Sagot Ko!

Date of Proposal:               November 4, 2022

Project Time-frame: 

November 22, 2021 - February 18, 2022

Proposed Venue: 

Guelew Integrated School

Educators around the world have quickly adapted and switched teaching from physical to the virtual classroom. The lockdown was imposed from March 15, 2020, and we as educators didn’t get much chance to prepare ourselves for a complete switch to online classes. But despite this, administration and teachers are putting in their best efforts to deliver their digital classes making it interesting and motivating to students.

Students are already missing their classroom learning working with peers in groups. Even parents are now finding it more difficult to motivate their children to maintain the pace of learning.

To help students overcome this unexpected situation and to ensure continues learning of students using different alternative channels, supporting them in various ways by technical and financial assistance, selection of digital learning tools, arranging online classes and creation of positive learning online environment.

The project “Load Mo, Sagot Ko” aims to help students in their online classes by giving them weekly load worth of thirty pesos (Php30.00) to thirty (30) Grade – 12 learners of Guelew Integrated School as the beneficiaries. The load will be given every Wednesday in preparation of their online class every Thursday for four (4) months.