Launching School SAGIP FINAL.mp4

Launching School SAGIP


Oplan Sagip

School Launching of Project SAGIP

SAGIP Launching.mp4
TNHS School Launching of Project SAGIP.mp4

SAGIP Launching

TNHS School Launching of Project SAGIP

SMP INTRO 2023.mp4



Dr. Sheila Marie A. Primicias.mp4

Dr. Sheila Marie A. Primicias, our Schools Division Superintendent, lit up the 2023 World Teachers' Month Celebration with an audiovisual message that was nothing short of heartfelt and inspiring. In her message, she painted a vivid tribute to the unsung heroes of our society - our dedicated teachers.

With a voice brimming with gratitude and admiration, Dr. Primicias took a moment to express the profound impact that teachers make in the lives of their students and the community as a whole. She reminded us that teachers are the guiding stars, illuminating the path to knowledge and enlightenment for generations.

Her message was a poignant reminder that teaching is not just a profession; it's a lifelong commitment to shaping minds and fostering dreams. Dr. Primicias inspired all educators to embrace their pivotal roles in nurturing not just academic excellence but also values, resilience, and a love for learning.

In a world constantly evolving, Dr. Primicias's words urged teachers to continue kindling the flames of curiosity and innovation within their students. She encouraged them to be not just educators but mentors, guiding the way to a brighter, more compassionate future.

As the applause resounded and hearts swelled with appreciation, Dr. Sheila Marie A. Primicias's message left an indelible mark. It was a beautiful tribute to the tireless dedication of teachers and a compelling call to keep igniting the flames of knowledge and inspiration, lighting the way for the generations to come.

Simultaneous Classroom based Flag Ceremony @ Tandoc National High School