Tandoc National High School Throughout the History

Tandoc National High School is always ready to integrate new things since the beginning. The school paves its tagline "Tandoc Balitoc" which means a strong and bold individuals that defies and always aims to achieve academic excellence.

Since its founding year, the school is known for being at the top when it comes to sports and academe. The fighting spirit of the Tandocians is still burning up to now.

From the old normal where face-to-face is still possible, the school produces highly skilled and competent students that is ready to face the real-world.

Now that the entire community is being challenged by the covid-19 crisis, Tandoc National High School adapts and faces the new normal with fully-equipped and knowledgeable teaching personnel that would help the learners to conquer and continue learning despite the situation.

The school believes that Learning must continue so that the students and the teaching-learning process will not be compromised and stagnant.

With this, Tandoc National High School together with DEPEd is in the next level that offers a high quality education in the NEW NORMAL.

TNHS Vicinity map