A school aiming for its conversion to Cordova National Agri-Tourism School for GREAT (Growing Relations by Enhancing the Advocacies for Team) Amulung.

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*Amulung West District Project WEBS – Webinar on the Creation of School Website is on August 9-11, 2021

*First General Meeting will be on August 11, 2021 (Wednesday)

*MidYear Review of AIP Projects will be on August 16, 2021 (Monday)

*Enrollment Period for School Year 2021 - 2022 starts on August 13 and ends on September 13, 2021

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Message of the School Head

The fulfillment of our school battle cry “#GreatAmulung” (Growing Relations by Enhancing the Advocacies of Team Amulung) was really challenged during this seemingly unstoppable spread of the corona virus. Confronted with the deadly pandemic, the educational landscape has to adapt to a “new normal” way of providing and acquiring accessible relevant liberating quality “Education for All”. Despite the still threatening health situation across our nation, WE, the Cordova National High School together with our stakeholders, like an eagle, must soar higher above the storm and fearlessly face the challenges of continuing education amidst the health crisis.

It is for this reason that the school, under my leadership as the newly installed School Head, has to review and enhance our School Improvement Plan to continuously improve and better provide services to our learners and to adhere to the statement of our Secretary of the Department of Education Hon. Leonor Magtolis Briones – in so saying that “education must continue”- heed on the call of ensuring the vision and mission.

The Priority Improvement Areas were then culled from our surveys, voice of our learners, and results of environmental scanning conducted and were addressed through relevant projects with the objective of giving solutions and appropriate actions. Through collaboration and communication with our stakeholders, we were given a chance to conduct planning conference on the different project activities. Timelines as well as budget for those projects were aligned to our actual school financial resources and school calendar as well as our partnership plans with different benefactors both in government agencies and non – government agencies. Other ESIP projects were also created based on the downloaded projects of the Schools Division Office, Regional Office and our focused Deped Vision and Mission. We extend our efforts to support and further strengthen the advocacies of our DepEd officials. Thus, we have created key performance indicators to evaluate our project particularly on our physical and financial targets. These targets were being reviewed thru the School Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment and the prepared Project and Work Plan and Budget Matrix Monitoring Tools.

These plans were then communicated through print media, school FB page, Kumustahan sa Barangay and we also conducted the first Stakeholders’ Convergence to launch our ESIP Projects. The event was attended by the Mayor, Vice Mayor, all the Sangguniang Bayan Members, Western Amulung District Public Supervisor and School Heads, PTA Officers, Alumni Officers, Student Organizations and all the Barangay Captains of the feeder barangays. In that event we witnessed how committed and united our stakeholders are in fulfilling our dreams and aspirations. Thus, the school hashtag #GreatAmulung which means Growing Relations to Enhance the Advocacies of Team Amulung was conceptualized.

As a school, WE are zealous to make a difference and to contribute to the development of the municipality of Amulung. We know that as educators, education is not only our contribution but we can do more for the community we are serving. We can always get out of our boxes to extend our services to our community especially on this time of pandemic.

One of the primary projects of the school this fiscal year is the conversion of the school from Cordova National High School to Cordova National Agri- tourism School. This is aligned to the vision of our municipality of Amulung, which aims to become the center of high quality agricultural product and tourism in northern Luzon. Hence, our school must adhere to this reverie. With much interest and pleasure to support, we are glad that the municipal endeavor is exactly aligned with our own DepEd vision which is to provide our students with competencies and values to enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation. Indeed, for our school to capture both the visions, our School Planning Team aligned and enhanced our School Improvement Plan and our School Based Management components.

Strategically, Cordova National High School owns a 10-hectare agricultural land area located in a place where 90 percent of the populace depend on farming as a source of living. As of this moment, only 20% of the school agricultural land is cultivated. It also owns three 20 by 30-meter fishponds but they are not being utilized.

The school offers a Senior High School program as mandated by Republic Act No. 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. It offers Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Strand (STEM), Accountancy and Business Management Strand (ABM), and the Technical Vocational and Livelihood Strand (TVL). The latter opens door for two agricultural courses with majors in Agri-crop and Organic Farming. The TVL course has an enrolment of 70 for the grade 11 and 45 for the grade 12 with a total of 115 Senior High School students. Included in this number are the grades 7 and 8 Junior High School students who chose agriculture as exploratory course and grades 8 and 9 who majored in Agriculture and Horticulture for the Technology and Livelihood Education classes. These numbers justify that many of the students of Cordova National High School are interested in learning agricultural technology that leads to Trabaho, Negosyo, Kolehiyo, and Middle Skills Development as stated on the senior high school curriculum exits. In fact, the school has partnered with TESDA and TESDA Accredited Agricultural Training Centers like the Cagayan State University of which the students may gain National Certificate level I and II in Agricrop, Organic Agriculture and Farm Machinery Operations.

Geographically, the school is located adjacent to the tourist spot being developed by the Municipality of Amulung which is the Chocolate Hills of the North in Barangay Nabbialan, the next barrio after Cordova. We found the school as a strategic place to further enhance and invite more tourists to visit the place. The school is planning to rehabilitate the fish ponds, the hilly land areas to be landscaped into terraces for highland vegetable production, while flat land areas will be developed into lowland vegetable plantations. Improvement of the school rice and corn production and other projects is already on process to produce more agricultural products like dragon fruit, mushroom, cassava, calamansi, ampalaya, upo and banana. There are also projects proposed for poultry, piggery and goat raising. The school aims to be a place where tourists could drop by to have a taste and purchase fresh agricultural products.

School beautification like landscaping and production of flowering plants like sunflower, orchids and other ornamental plants are also part of the plan. A Panagyaman Park sponsored by the School Alumni Association is conceived to serve as a reception area for weddings and other occasions. The school plans to be a place to attract tourists to visit and take pictures, relax and feel comfortable with the ambiance of the place.

School museum project has already been started on its construction. As a matter of fact, the municipal tourism office already allotted an initial amount of 30 thousand pesos while the tourism officer, as well as the project process owner, is working hand in hand for it to materialize. It will be a repository of the artifacts found in Western Amulung where learners, as well as visitors, could revisit and be educated on the rich historical background of the place.

These are the plans of our school, the Cordova National High School--Enhanced School Improvement Plans culled from the aspirations of both internal and external stakeholders. Through the guidance of our leaders in the Schools Division of Cagayan, the strong partnership of our stakeholders and the divine intervention of our Lord, WE in the education sector can make our dreams and aspirations work and be able to touch the lives of our leaners and be a blessing to everyone. We are ONE, we are working for the fulfillment of our journey to #GreatAmulung.

Message of the School Head

The fulfillment of our school battle cry “#GreatAmulung” (Growing Relations by Enhancing the Advocacies of Team Amulung) was really challenged during this seemingly unstoppable spread of the corona virus. Confronted with the deadly pandemic, the educational landscape has to adapt to a “new normal” way of providing and acquiring accessible relevant liberating quality “Education for All”. Despite the still threatening health situation across our nation, WE, the Cordova National High School together with our stakeholders, like an eagle, must soar higher above the storm and fearlessly face the challenges of continuing education amidst the health crisis.

It is for this reason that the school, under my leadership as the newly installed School Head, has to review and enhance our School Improvement Plan to continuously improve and better provide services to our learners and to adhere to the statement of our Secretary of the Department of Education Hon. Leonor Magtolis Briones – in so saying that “education must continue”- heed on the call of ensuring the vision and mission.

The Priority Improvement Areas were then culled from our surveys, voice of our learners, and results of environmental scanning conducted and were addressed through relevant projects with the objective of giving solutions and appropriate actions. Through collaboration and communication with our stakeholders, we were given a chance to conduct planning conference on the different project activities. Timelines as well as budget for those projects were aligned to our actual school financial resources and school calendar as well as our partnership plans with different benefactors both in government agencies and non – government agencies. Other ESIP projects were also created based on the downloaded projects of the Schools Division Office, Regional Office and our focused Deped Vision and Mission. We extend our efforts to support and further strengthen the advocacies of our DepEd officials. Thus, we have created key performance indicators to evaluate our project particularly on our physical and financial targets. These targets were being reviewed thru the School Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment and the prepared Project and Work Plan and Budget Matrix Monitoring Tools.

These plans were then communicated through print media, school FB page, Kumustahan sa Barangay and we also conducted the first Stakeholders’ Convergence to launch our ESIP Projects. The event was attended by the Mayor, Vice Mayor, all the Sangguniang Bayan Members, Western Amulung District Public Supervisor and School Heads, PTA Officers, Alumni Officers, Student Organizations and all the Barangay Captains of the feeder barangays. In that event we witnessed how committed and united our stakeholders are in fulfilling our dreams and aspirations. Thus, the school hashtag #GreatAmulung which means Growing Relations to Enhance the Advocacies of Team Amulung was conceptualized.

As a school, WE are zealous to make a difference and to contribute to the development of the municipality of Amulung. We know that as educators, education is not only our contribution but we can do more for the community we are serving. We can always get out of our boxes to extend our services to our community especially on this time of pandemic.

One of the primary projects of the school this fiscal year is the conversion of the school from Cordova National High School to Cordova National Agri- tourism School. This is aligned to the vision of our municipality of Amulung, which aims to become the center of high quality agricultural product and tourism in northern Luzon. Hence, our school must adhere to this reverie. With much interest and pleasure to support, we are glad that the municipal endeavor is exactly aligned with our own DepEd vision which is to provide our students with competencies and values to enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation. Indeed, for our school to capture both the visions, our School Planning Team aligned and enhanced our School Improvement Plan and our School Based Management components.

Strategically, Cordova National High School owns a 10-hectare agricultural land area located in a place where 90 percent of the populace depend on farming as a source of living. As of this moment, only 20% of the school agricultural land is cultivated. It also owns three 20 by 30-meter fishponds but they are not being utilized.

The school offers a Senior High School program as mandated by Republic Act No. 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. It offers Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Strand (STEM), Accountancy and Business Management Strand (ABM), and the Technical Vocational and Livelihood Strand (TVL). The latter opens door for two agricultural courses with majors in Agri-crop and Organic Farming. The TVL course has an enrolment of 70 for the grade 11 and 45 for the grade 12 with a total of 115 Senior High School students. Included in this number are the grades 7 and 8 Junior High School students who chose agriculture as exploratory course and grades 8 and 9 who majored in Agriculture and Horticulture for the Technology and Livelihood Education classes. These numbers justify that many of the students of Cordova National High School are interested in learning agricultural technology that leads to Trabaho, Negosyo, Kolehiyo, and Middle Skills Development as stated on the senior high school curriculum exits. In fact, the school has partnered with TESDA and TESDA Accredited Agricultural Training Centers like the Cagayan State University of which the students may gain National Certificate level I and II in Agricrop, Organic Agriculture and Farm Machinery Operations.

Geographically, the school is located adjacent to the tourist spot being developed by the Municipality of Amulung which is the Chocolate Hills of the North in Barangay Nabbialan, the next barrio after Cordova. We found the school as a strategic place to further enhance and invite more tourists to visit the place. The school is planning to rehabilitate the fish ponds, the hilly land areas to be landscaped into terraces for highland vegetable production, while flat land areas will be developed into lowland vegetable plantations. Improvement of the school rice and corn production and other projects is already on process to produce more agricultural products like dragon fruit, mushroom, cassava, calamansi, ampalaya, upo and banana. There are also projects proposed for poultry, piggery and goat raising. The school aims to be a place where tourists could drop by to have a taste and purchase fresh agricultural products.

School beautification like landscaping and production of flowering plants like sunflower, orchids and other ornamental plants are also part of the plan. A Panagyaman Park sponsored by the School Alumni Association is conceived to serve as a reception area for weddings and other occasions. The school plans to be a place to attract tourists to visit and take pictures, relax and feel comfortable with the ambiance of the place.

School museum project has already been started on its construction. As a matter of fact, the municipal tourism office already allotted an initial amount of 30 thousand pesos while the tourism officer, as well as the project process owner, is working hand in hand for it to materialize. It will be a repository of the artifacts found in Western Amulung where learners, as well as visitors, could revisit and be educated on the rich historical background of the place.

These are the plans of our school, the Cordova National High School--Enhanced School Improvement Plans culled from the aspirations of both internal and external stakeholders. Through the guidance of our leaders in the Schools Division of Cagayan, the strong partnership of our stakeholders and the divine intervention of our Lord, WE in the education sector can make our dreams and aspirations work and be able to touch the lives of our leaners and be a blessing to everyone. We are ONE, we are working for the fulfillment of our journey to #GreatAmulung.

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DepEd School Calendar


*August 9-11, 2021 – Project WEBS 3

*August 13, 2021 – General PTA Meeting

*September 1-3, 2021 – School Based INSET

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