Available Jobs

We will post the available positions here as a simple list. For more information, please visit DPS H.R. 

**At this time the district is having a hard time keeping up with the postings please email jessica_krichbaum@denvergreenschool.org your cover letter and resume in addition to applying online. 

Positions for the 2023-2024 School Year:

Positions for the 2024 - 2025 School Year:

Due to high enrollment we will be adding a 4th SPED teacher to our school as well as a 5th MLE teacher for next year! 

What makes a DGS teacher?

A teacher at DGS is someone who knows precisely why they became/are becoming a teacher. 

Do you believe that teaching is the cornerstone of democracy? Do you think that beginning to right the wrongs perpetuated by institutional racism begins by building authentic relationships with children in the classroom? Do you want to contribute to not only the growth of an understanding of what stewardship is but also to the furtherance of an appreciation of diversity and an acknowledgement of the ties that bind people together in community? 

If your answer to these questions is YES – then DGS is for you. 

If your answer to these questions take the form of several questions of your own – then DGS is really for you! 

Yes, we want you to bring questions to the table! Yes, we want you to contribute to helping us emerge from the damage that these past several COVID years have wrought upon our mission and vision as a school. 

Bring your passion for educating the next generation of well-informed, action-oriented critical thinkers to us and let DGS become your teaching home!