Final project - edfn 7250

Final Project - EDFN 7250 - Dr. kalir - Summer 2020

Podcast Series

This is a brief episode that gives you an overview of the four part series in my podcast series focused on my Dissertation Research Project.

The focus of my DRP is - From Isolation to Virtual Support: Reducing Professional Isolation in Christian School Principals and Building a Sense of Community

From Isolation to Virtual Support: Reducing Professional Isolation in Christian School Principals and Building a Sense of Community

Many principals within Christian Schools International (CSI) are seeking connection and community on both a personal and professional level. I believe they are searching for connections within and outside of their own school system. My study is attempting to identify those needs and provide concrete solutions that will benefit those principals as well as CSI.

From Isolation to Virtual Support: Reducing Professional Isolation in Christian School Principals and Building a Sense of Community

Research Questions / Guiding questions below.

  • How do CSI member school principals perceive their sense of connection with other principals?

  • What kinds of support networks and resources are CSI principals currently accessing to further their learning and effectiveness?

  • Are CSI member school principals connected to professional learning networks consisting of other Christian school principals?

  • Are CSI member school principals considering leaving their position due to a sense of isolation or lack of support?

  • What are some obstacles that inhibit or limit a principal from accessing needed supports?

  • What offerings and partnerships might CSI provide that would increase a principal’s sense of community?

Tyler interviews David Intlekofer, High School Principal at Eastern Christian School in New Jersey and Joy VanderVannen interim Principal at West Side Christian School in Grand Rapids, MI.

Focus of the interview:

  • What is community?

  • What is a virtual community?

  • What does community mean to you?

  • Now that we have established this virtual community... now what?

Tyler interviews Dr. Darryl Shelton, Transitional CEO of Christian Schools International (CSI).

The interview focused on the following questions.

  • What kinds of support networks, training and resources does CSI provide its principals?

  • What additional offerings and partnerships might CSI consider providing that would increase a principal’s sense of community?

  • Do you have any additional thoughts regarding the professional development of CSI principals?

Additional Resources