Religious convictions

I believe in one powerful and almighty God that is the inspiration for the Old and New Testaments and the only unfailing way for my life, my hope, my rest, and my faith. I believe that his son, Jesus Christ, died for my sins and through him I am granted eternal life with the Father in heaven.

I rejoice in the fact that the same infallible creator that brought the heavens into being also created me, my family, my friends, my students, my staff, people I have never met, and every other part of creation.

I believe in the power of community because God created us to live and serve each other. I believe our communities should be centered on God and His Son, Jesus Christ, in order to be whole and truly fulfilling.

I believe that God places in our hearts a calling, and I believe that He called me to use my gifts and talents to serve in Christian education. It is my duty in each waking moment to be loyal to and fulfill that calling. I believe that I am also called by God to be the best father, husband, family member, friend, and leader that I can be. Second Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Scripture and prayer are two important reference points I use to interpret God’s will for my life and inform the way I interact with my students, teachers and families.