Public Engagement
Recent Public Scholarship and Interviews not for the blog:
Ancient Immigration and Race and Ethnicity in Antiquity:
Let’s Talk About Myths podcast (on Theseus and Foreign Women in Myth; released date Sept 29, 2023)
Interview with The Partial Historians on Women in Athens.
“Peopling the Past Ep 7: Rebecca Futo Kennedy talks about Migrant Women in the Ancient Greek World”
“Teaching Race and Ethnicity in the Greco-Roman World” Webinar @ Everyday Orientalism with Prof. Jackie Murray
“Decolonizing Syllabi in the Archaeology and History of the Mediterranean Region” AIA Webinars on Critical Conversations on Race Teaching, and Antiquity, with Prof. Katherine Blouin, Prof. Kara Cooney, Nadhira Hill, and Sarolta Takács
Series on the history of race and ethnicity for History of Antiquity and the Middle Ages YouTube Channel
“Race and the Athenian Metic Re-visioned” (at the 2hr and 11 min mark) for 'Centering Race in History: Antiquity to the Present' conference with Monitor: Global Intelligence on Race for the Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute and Edge Hill University International Centre on Racism
"Why I Teach Race and Ethnicity in the Classical World" @Eidolon
Modern Racism and White Supremacism:
"Uses of Greco-Roman Antiquity in Modern Racism and Supremacisms" for The Academy of Athens seminar (Athens, Greece)
Far Right Transnational Connections panel for Human Stories/Everyday Orientalism with support from University of Toronto, with Garish Daswani, Cherian George, Melody Devries, Anima Adjepong, and Ravinda Kaur
Interview with Asar Imhotep on Black Athena and race and identity in antiquity
Interview with DaRealBlackNordic YouTube Channel on Race and Classics
“Classics and Eugenics in the USA” Podcast interview for Khamelon Productions
"White Supremacy and Classical Athens: A Turning Point?" at The LePage Center for History in the Public Interest at Villanova University
Interviewed for "History and Terrorism in Washington, D.C. (2021)" on History of Antiquity and the Middle Ages YouTube Channel
“Classics is a part of Black intellectual history – Howard needs to keep it” ESPN’s The Undefeated, June 4, 2021. Written with J. Murray.
“Casting Cleopatra: It’s All About Politics” Part 1, Part 2 at the Society for Classical Studies blog. Written with K. Blouin and U. Gad.
Conference Respondent for ““A Deep History of Slavery: Antiquity and Modernity in Dialogue.” Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition, part of the MacMillan Center at Yale University. November 1-2, 2019. Response at min. 24-34.
Public lecture on the “'Western Civilization’ and the Whitewashing of the Multiethnic Ancient Mediterranean” at Theodore B. Guérard Lecture Series, Classical Charleston: “Diversifying Classics.” College of Charleston. With Nandini Pandey, Arum Park, and James Newhard. All lectures available on YouTube.
Race & Racism in Ancient & Medieval Studies, Part 1: The Problem and Part 2: Responses @The Endless Knot (podcast)
"We Condone It by Our Silence: Confronting Classics' Complicity in White Supremacy" @Eidolon
Greek Tragedy and Literature:
Iliad! Storytelling, Philosophy, & Reception Ep. 15 with Bettina Joy de Guzman. (On Iliad Bk 6)
Guest expert for “Suppliants” episode of Reading Greek Tragedy Online, through the Kosmos Society at the Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington DC w/ Theatre of Chaos
CHS Kosmos Society Online Open House | The Hippolytus of Euripides, with Rebecca Futo Kennedy
Daily Dose for Actors of Dionysos (from an oration of Demosthenes on the murder of a metic woman)
Academic Discipline of Classics:
“The Study of Classics Is Changing: and that’s not a bad thing” Inside Higher Ed June 15, 2021. Written with M. Goldman.
"Addressing Harassment in Academia at the SCS in Boston" @scsblog
General Interviews:
Interviewed for “Egyptians and others are upset a Black actress stars in Netflix's 'Queen Cleopatra'” NPR Morning Edition, with Michel Martin (May 11, 2023)
Interview with Tavis Smiley Show on KBLA on the Netflix Cleopatra controversy (May 10, 2023).
Interview with Itinera Podcast on how I became a classicist, being a first gen in academia, and issues of race/ethnicity in the ancient world.
Interviewed for Classics Confidential Shorts! with Elton Barker of Open University on my book in progress on race and ethnicity and classics.
"A Day in the Life of a Classicist and Museum Director" @scsblog
Cited in:
"Was Cleopatra Black? A New Netflix Series Is Reviving an Old Controversy" (Time Magazine, April 20, 2023)
"The Myth of Whiteness in Classical Sculpture" by Margaret Talbot (The New Yorker, Oct. 29, 2018 issue)
I've also recently been added to Wikipedia as a notable scholar!