A New Start

Newspaper Editor & Social Media Editor

Lillie Andrew & Krystal Saenz

As the 2022-2023 school year commenced returning students were faced with a new schedule change. Since 2020 Cedaredge High School has been using a block schedule that requires students to attend 4 classes per semester. CHS originally started this agenda to relieve the stress of a 7 period schedule while COVID-19 forced students online. However, due to conflicts related to current enrollment classes CHS had to consider returning to a 7 period schedule.

When Aspen Carver a senior at CHS was asked about her opinions on the new schedule she stated, “I like the block system better, because it feels like we’re juggling a lot more right now.” Many student at CHS have expressed the same opinion; however, there are things that they do like about the change. For instance Aspen stated that she likes how, “classes are a lot shorter” making it easier to stay engaged.

Another senior at CHS, Nikolette Mckinney expresses that she’s, “kind of used to” the new change because during her freshman year the 7 period schedule was still in play. Nikolette thinks that having “certain classes all year round will help encourage learning and make sure you remember what you're learning.” On Wednesdays and Thursdays the schedule at Cedaredge High School changes. On Wednesdays students attend all their odd numbered classes for an hour and thirty minutes. While on Thursdays they’ll attend the even numbered classes. Nikolette thinks it's a great idea because “it helps break up the schedule so students aren't constantly stressed over all their classes”, as well as having “more time in those classes to focus on what is needed”.