The teachers at Aura Elementary School will be utilizing a variety of technology resources to helps students succeed in the classroom. Below are some student and parent video tutorials for the various technology resources students will have access to, and a list of programs and links to their websites.

Student Technology Resources

Click on the link above to see a curated list of links to a variety of educational technology tools. This listed was created by educators to better serve students/parents/guardians in their understanding of technology tools.

See how students can sign in with Clever!

Clever Directions

Clever Login Procedure.pdf

Clever will be used as the home base to start the students day. Parents/Guardians will be able to see the educational technology that teachers will be using with students.

Google Classroom will be used by teachers to assign and collect student work in one place. A link for Google Classroom will be on the Clever home screen.

IXl is a platform used by teachers to helps students improve their math & ELA skill sets.

Mystery Science was created by a school teacher to help teachers with science content. It is also helpful to parents.

Raz-kids is an online e-book platform. Teachers and students get access to over 400 + books. Students can listen to books, read, and even record themselves.

Vocabulary Spelling City - was created to help students increase their knowledge of reading comprehension and vocabulary words. Please visit their website to find helpful tutorial videos.

Newsela - Allows teachers to engage students through daily news articles from grades 3-12 at five different reading levels.