Delsea Regional School District
Athletic Training Services
The primary mission of The Delsea Regional School District Athletic Training Services Clinic is to provide quality medical care to Delsea Students participating in interscholastic athletics. Delsea divides the services delivered into three primary categories: athletic injury prevention, acute injury management, and rehabilitation. Athletic trainers are licensed healthcare professionals specifically trained to administer these aspects. We are committed to using whatever technology is available and affordable to deliver these services. Athletic training clinic staff provide medical coverage for practices, strength and conditioning sessions, and home athletic contests involving Delsea's Student-Athletes.
This past summer, The Delsea Regional School District Athletic Training Services Clinic instituted the #DELSEAGRIT Initiative to spotlight those student-athletes who personify passion, mental and physical toughness, and selfless dedication to their programs and teammates. This month’s winners are Luke Van Auken (Football/Basketball) and Kylie McMurray (Swimming). In addition to being motivated in the classroom, both display an incredible level of tenacity and competitiveness. Luke and Kylie are the epitome of #DELSEAGRIT and role models for our athletic program
The New Jersey Department of Education has modified the preparticipation exam process. Updated PPE Documents can be found here.
Some of the NBA's greatest touch on the importance of the pre-game nap.
Need someone to talk to? NJ Hopeline is here to help.
Specialists are available for confidential telephone counseling and support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
You are not alone.
Dude, I'm sore...
Contact KB at to make an appointment to use the recovery sleeves. Sleeves can be used for both arms and legs. Sessions are 30 minutes in length.
The good people at The Jed Foundation have some great pointers on dealing with the extra pressure on top of high school's typical stress and challenges.
Foot odor can be an issue with both indoor and outdoor athletics. Check out what the wicked-smart people from The Cleveland Clinic have to say about keeping your dogs from barking.
Delsea Athletics Team Physician,
Dr. Brad Bernardini, speaks with Angelo Cataldi on The WIP Morning Show.
We're Here To Help!
The National Sleep Foundation recommends that teens get 8-10 hours of sleep per night. How do you measure up?