Ashley Falls School Logo

Welcome to
Ashley Falls School

  • Educational Background and Professional Experience: Welcome to Room 503! I received my Bachelors Degree in Education at USC and my Masters Degree there as well. I have been teaching for 19 years, and this is my 15th year at Ashley Falls. I have taught K, 1st, 2nd, 4th, and now 5th. :) I look forward to a wonderful year together!

  • Teacher Contact Information:

  • (858) 259-7812 EXT 3503

Educational Philosophy&What to Expect in 4th & 5th Grade

My expectations for this school year are for every student to always try his/her best! It is important that we respect each other and ourselves, and always Choose KInd. I value the 8 Keys of Excellence within the classroom and outside the classroom. These include: Integrity, Speaking with Good Purpose, Failure Leads to Success, This is It, Commitment, Ownership, Flexibility, and Balance.

4th Grade Google Classroom

5th Grade Google Classroom

Link to Class Schedule

Link to Class Schedule

Link to Clever
Link to Ashley Falls Homepage

Link to Ashley Falls Homepage

Life Outside of the Eagle's Nest

Teacher to provide brief bio of their life outside of school. Introducing family, hobbies and special interests, etc.

Link to DMUSD Homepage