Transition Timeline

Birth to 14

  • Consider long term goals and transition needs

  • Explore CLTS, CYSHN, LOV Inc., and other disability related supports

Age 14-18

  • Consider employment goals and complete transition assessments; develop a Post-Secondary Transition Plan (PTP) as part of your IEP

  • Apply to DVR (as early as 14, and at least 2 years prior to exit)

  • Apply to ADRC (as early 17 ½, and at least 6 months prior to exit)

  • Explore guardianship or Supported Decision Making before age 18

Age 18-21

  • Choose Long Term Care funding by attending Options Counseling

  • Explore transition options (school/community-based instruction)

  • Participate in vocational training and community work experiences

  • Regularly review transition goals and align services

Age 21 - Final year of school

  • Meet with transition team monthly, address transition goals

  • Explore supported employment providers