Just for Ed Assistants

A few things to get you started:

Fall 2020 Sessions: We'll be adding to this slide show as we cover topics on Wednesdays. You'll find links to resources within the show.

GSuite Ideas & Tips to Try: We used this last year to try out some new skills.

Google Cheat Sheet from Kasey Bell:  Lots of details to get started with GSuite or brush up your skills. Includes keyboard shortcuts!

Try out the training for Google Certification: These tutorials are great as they demonstrate a skill and offer quizzes so you can show how smart you are.  Click on Get Training to begin.

Google Educator's Learning Resources:  Tutorials for all G Suite tools and how you can use them.

G Suite Learning Center:  More general (non-educational focused) tutorials and training for all G Suite apps

Web Sites (CMS4Schools & Google Sites):

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