Parent Information

6th Grade Tips for Success:

Encourage your student to become involved in an extra curricular activity. Beyond the Bell, offered daily before and after school, as well as SNL are great options for socialization and homework help

Ask your student questions about school. Topics include: class assignments, teachers, friendships, etc.

Develop a homework routine. Research has shown that children like a schedule and consistency.

Monitor your student's grades and progress. If you do not know how to establish a Parent Account through PowersSchool, contact DMS and ask to speak with a School Counselor.

7th Grade Tips for Success:

When your student enters seventh grade, a variety of school sports and activities are now available. Contact the school for more information and deadlines regarding sports physicals.

-Math Counts


-Student Council







Encourage volunteering and involvement with the school.

Maintain a homework routine.

Start conversations with your student regarding academic and career interests.

8th Grade Tips for Success:

Check in with your student frequently regarding their academics. Adjustments may be necessary to meet the demands of an increased 8th grade workload.

Watch for information regarding the high school orientation with 8th graders and parents/guardians.

Have conversations with your student following the Four County Field trip. Discuss if this is an appropriate goal and option during high school.