Faculty Services

The school librarian offers flexible, collaborative opportunities for faculty with the goal of enriching and bolstering the curriculum in places where support is needed, from one-off activities and lessons to multi-step research units. Below is a list of some of the ways that your school librarian may be of service.

Please stop by the library, email me, or, reserve dates and periods for your classes; email me at denaro.e@deerparkschools.org to learn more about how the library is here to support all subjects, all teachers, and all students.

As Teacher, Collaborator, & Instructional Partner

As Information Specialist 

As Program Administrator

Supporting the Curriculum: Research & Media Literacy Processes Taught

These skills can be tailored to your classroom projects and assignments so as to deepen skill processes and enrich the project's final product.

Research/Information Literacy Skills

Media Literacy Skills